HCA 13/70 f.98v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 98 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/27 |
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The 28th day of Aprill 1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Michael de hare against Cable/
Examined upon the said Allegation:
[?Blancart]) dt
James Hales of dover Mariner aged 57 yeares
or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined
saith as followeth videlicet
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent hath
well knowne the Vessell the Successe arlate for about 2. yeares last
past during all which time shee was generally esteemed to belong
unto Michael de hare and Abraham Stock arlate as being the true
and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the same and of her tackle
apparrell and furniture, the said Vessell in that time belonging to the
Port of dover the settled place of this deponents residence, wherey and by
his saileing and serving in and aboard the said shipp the Voiage now
in Controversy hee hath bin informed and is well assured of the propriety
predeposed And further cannot depose:/
To the second hee saith, That in or about the moneths of July or
August 1654. last past, the said Vessell the Successe was at or
neere New Castle upon Tyne, where the same was laden with
Seacoales for the accompt of the said Michael de hare and
Abraham Stocke, Which hee knoweth for that hee was one of the
said shipps Companie at and within the time aforesaid. And further hee
cannot depose:-/
To the third hee saith, That in the moneth of August
aforesaid the said Vessell the Successe with her lading of coales
departed from Newcastle bound for dover, and being in her
Course thitherwards about one or two of the Clock in the morning
in the 9th day of August the wind then at South, and
a pretty stiffe gale, and the said Vessell being then at a place
called the Well; about 10. or 11. fathoms water, the aster of the
said Vessell Successe did espie and discover to his Companie a
Vessell coming right downe before the wind steering directly upon
the said shipp whereupon the said Master and Companie called abd
cryed out to the Company of the said shipp (which this deponent hath
since understood to be Vessell the dove arlate) to keepe cleare of
the said Vessell Successe, which they might easily have done beinge
before the wynd and unladen, but the said Vessell the dove did by
the carelessnesse or willfullnesse of her Master and Companie
runn directly on board the said shipp Successe and broake her downe
in her larboard bow, so that shee and her lading presentl;y after
suncke and perished in the Seas together withall her [?appuretenances]