HCA 13/70 f.97r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 97 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/20 |
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and about the pursuite of the said Turkes man of Warr, the
said Watts having given order to his said shipps Companie also to
pursue the Turke, and the said ffrench Squadrom making to windward
and the said shipp hopewell more to the Leeward, they came to be
separated, and the said William Watts after three daies being aboard
the said french Admirall was sett ashoare at Cape Saint Vincent,
from whence hee travelled over land to Cadiz in Spaine, where hee
arrived upon or about the 14th day of May last past 1654:- where hee
found and observed a certaine holland man of warr called the dove
which had there brought in as prize an English Vessell called the
Packett frigott, and then and there this deponent William Wattts
understood that the said hollands man of warr had some few daies
before been ingaged in fight with the said shipp hopewell
and had killed many of the said hopewells Companie, Whereupon
this deponent went over land from cadiz to Mallega, where hee found
his said shipp in a very sadd and shattered condition, and not able
to proceed any further, and for the ladimg thereof, hee found the same
spoyled by the taking in of water, and being desirous to land the same for
the preservation of some part thereof, it was forbidden by the Justice
of that place, and ordered to be throwne overboard, but by meanes
of friends and with the expense of about 500. dollers or peeces of
eight for a present to the Officers of Justice of that place leave was
obtained and the said Corne was landed though in a very unusefull
and damnified Condition, and stil remaineth there unsold and utterly
unserviceable and lost to the Owners thereof, All which dammages
and losses this deponent William Watts doeth to the best of his judgement
estimate as followeth, videlicet the dammage done to the hull, masts
rigging and apparrell of the said shipp to the valew of 600 li
or thereabouts, the freight due for the said Corne being about
280. tunns at 4 li per tunn according to agreement amounts to
1120 li sterling or thereabouts, and the Corne it self to 2000 li sterling
or thereabouts, the whole amounting to 3720 li sterling or thereabouts
besides dammage sustained in the losse of time imployed for the
reparation of the said shipp being 2. moneths or thereabouts
And the said William Gayner John Waymouth, George Lee
henry Page, daniel Barton Robert Varr and Marmaduke