HCA 13/70 f.95r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 95 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/20 |
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prize to the ffrench, All and singular the premisses this deponent well
knoweth and declareth for a certaine trueth, as being Master and
Commander of the said shipp all the Voiage in Controversy, and thereby
accordin to the trust in him reposed having taken exact and particular
observation of the same, and entred and digested the same in his
journall booke, whereby hee is enabled to give a full accompt thereof
And further cannot depose:-/
To the 9th and 10th hee saith, The said shipp and lading upon the seizure
predeposed were detained about three weekes at Saint Margaretta aforesaid
dureing which time this deponent used all legall indeavours for the recovery of the
same, and in prosecution thereof necessarily expended fiftie pounds
sterling or thereabouts, which hath since bin repayed and returned to this
deponent by the said producents, without any contribution of the said
Mico towards the same, And futher saith, That on or about the
24th day of ffebruary 1649. old style, the said shipp and her lading
being dischardged and released from the seizure predeposed, this deponent
as Master and Commander of her did upon the same day sett saile and
depart with her and lading towards this Port of London, and being
in her Course thitherwards was upon or about the seaventh
day of March 1649. aforesaid mett withall surprized and taken
the second time by three french men of warr, who brought the same
barke to the said Island of Saint Marguerita, and there this deponent was utterly
deprived of the said shipp and her lading, Which the premisses
this deponent well knoweth by sadd experience , as being present at and
a sufferer in the same And further cannot depose:-/:-
To the 11th hee saith, That the said three french men of warr
plundered the said shipp both of her goods and materialls, and of
all that was most considerable, but to what valew of goods they left
therein this deponent doeth not exactly knowe but beleeveth the same was
of but a very small worth, they consisting as this deponent after the
said plunder observed of some leakie Vessells of wine, and some
Argoll And further hee cannot depose./.
To the 12th hee saith, That as this deponent was informed, the said seizors
after they had so plundered the said shipp and sold and disposed
of the best part of her lading at Saint Marguerita aforesaid, did alsoe
sell and dispose of her and her furniture and the residue of her
lading by the lampe for about 6000. livers Tournois. And
further cannot depose./