HCA 13/70 f.94v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 94 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/08/20 |
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producents and the said Samuel Micho, Which the premisses this
deponent well knoweth for that hee hath seene the said Charter parties
and had one of the said Charter parties Copies along with him in the
Voiage in Controversy. And further cannot depose; saving his subsequent
deposition to which hee referreth:/
To the third article hee saith, That the said Samuel Mico hath sewerall
times acknowledged in this deponents presence and Audience, that hee the
said Mico had and hath in his possession the Counterparte of the
said Charter partie, And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee saith
hee cannot depose:-/
To the 4th, 5th 6th 7th and 8th articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth, That hee this deponenyt as Master and Commander of the
said shipp Amitie sailed the same by and according to the direction of the
said Samuel Mico originally from the Port of Plimouth to ffalmouth
And saith That particularly on or about the 13th day of September
in the yeare 1649. last predeposed, the said shipp upon the imployment
and for the said Samuel Mico her freighters accompt, arrived at
ffalmouth, and there tooke in a full lading of Pilchers for the said
Micho's accompt, with which this deponent departed thence about the
9th of October 1649. for the Island Maiorka in the Straights, where
they arrived with the said lading upon or about the 24th day of November 1649:- where shee dischardged part of her lading acco=
ding to the said Micos ffactors direction, and afterwards this
deponent in the said quality sayled the said shipp to Naples, where shee
arrived upon or about the 9th of december 1649:- and there made
the full dischardge of the residue of the said shipps lading and by
order of the said Micos ffactors did take in a lading of goods for
London, the last of which lading was received on board the said
shipp Amity upon the 29th day of January 1649. old style and
not before, hee further saith, That upon the 30th day of the said
moneth of January the said shipp with her said lading of
goods sett saile and departed from Naples bound for London
as aforesaid, and in her Course thetherwards the said shipp and
lading were mett with surprised and taken, being about three
daies saile from Naples upon or about the third day of
ffebruary next ensueing after such her departure, by a ffrench
man of warr who carried the said shipp and lading into
the Island of Saint Margaretta in ffrance, where endeavour was
used by her said seizors to make her and her said lading