HCA 13/70 f.92r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 92 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/10 |
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The 28th of March 1655:
The claime of the said Baltazar and}
John Coymans for the Saint Mary de}
Guarda lupa and goods}
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
vide 2us [?hosterne dia]
Sent Derickson of [?Purmerand] neere Amsterdam
shipwright, Carpenter of the said shipp
the Saint Mary de Guarda lupa aged 60 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producents Baltazar and John Coymans and hath soe donne for theise
twenty yeeres last or thereabouts, and hath well knowne the shipp arlate
the Saint Mary de Guarda lupa and hath soe donne for theise thirteene
monethes last or thereabouts, during all which space the said
Baltazar and John Coymans have bin and are commonly accompted her
owners, and as owners they fitted and furnished her out from Amsterdam
for the voyage in question of his sighta nd knowledge, this deponent being
Carpenter of her and seeing them soe fitt and sett her out. And
saith that having soe fitted her for the said voyage from Amsterdam for
the Canaries, they at Amsterdam laded and caused to be laded on
board her fifteene packs of goods or thereabouts, which were safely
caried to and delivered at the Canaries to their factors. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third fourth and fifth articles and the schedule therein mentioned
hee saith and deposeth that after the arrivall and deliverie of the
said outwards goods at the Canaries, there were there laden and put
aboard the said shipp for the said Baltazar and John Coymans their account,
by their factors to be carried to and delivered at Amsterdam betweene
500 and 1000 quintalls of logwood and Brazill wood, severall cases
of Camperchiana and a parcell of hides, which hee knoweth because
hee was aboard and sawe them laden, but for their markes and numbers
hee remembreth them not, And this lading hee saith was
in or about June or July last past. And further that after the
said lading, the said shipp departed from the Canaries with the
said goods for Amsterdam, and comming off the Iland of Palma
was met with and seized by one Captaine Callart pretending hee
had a Commission from the ffrench king and that hee tooke her
as if shee were belonging to Spaniards, because shee had some Spanish
passengers on board her, and having possessed himselfe of her and
put men into her, hee was carrying her for ffrance, and saith they
were parted by storme, yet afterwards hee met her againe, and
his shipp being leakie hee carried the Saint Mary to the Asores
Ilands, and there to Saint Michal being a place under the power of
the kinge of Portugall, and there stopt his leake and provided
the shipp with necessaries, and then againe departed with
her and her said lading for ffrance, but comming in or about the
moneth of October last neere Saint Martins in ffrance (for hee purposed
as hee said to carry them to Rochell or Charent) there came an