HCA 13/70 f.75v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 75 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/22 |
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The 29th of January 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on the said allegation fourtie five articles/
Edward ffowke of the parish of Saint dunstans in the East
London Merchant, aged 28 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined.
To the third article of the said allegation of 45 articles and to the two bills
of lading therein mentioned, annexed to the libell remayining in the
file No. 128. hee saith and deposeth that the Galls mentioned in
the said two bills of lading (nowe showed unto him) were
(part of them) delivered to the arlate George hughes by weight at
Scanderon, this deponent being present and seeing the same weighed
in the presence of the said hughes who might of hee had
pleased, either by himselfe or any otherm have seene them all weighed.
And saith that the first schedule
annexed to this allegation is two leaves of paper (nowe showed unto him)
(doth containe the weight and quantitie of the said galls, and
that all the contents of the said scjhedule or factories were and are true and
soe had and donne as therein is contained, which hee knoweth being
then and there present and privie to the same and imployed as a
factor in the same businesse with Richard Chewne mentioned
in the said schedule. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fourth article hee saith that all grosse goods (as galls)
and all goods (except peece goods) that are laden at Scanderoone,
are or ought to be weighed and laden by weight, for such hee saith
is the custome of that place, and that there is a factor Marine
for that purpose, who hath a certaine dutie and allowance for
seeing them weighedm and that if the masters of shipps be
soe negligent as not to passe upon the weight and looke to the
weighing of such goods, yet the factor marine hath his said
dutie paid him, whether the masters see them weighed or not, in such as
the same ought (by the custome of the place) to be weighed;
which hee knoweth having about seaven yeares lived at Aleppo
as a factor, and going severall times to Scanderoone and Cyprus
and being well acquainted with the customes and course of merchants
in those places. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent.
To the Interrogatories given in, in the first place [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh at the instance of the freighters
(the producents) to testifie the truth in this cause, wherein hee
saith hee hath noe share or interest, and otherwise negatively
To the second hee saith hee was factor at Aleppo to the producents
in and about the shipp in question, shee being consigned to him
and companie factors there resident, And saith hee this deponent
met her at Cyprus in or about the beginning of Aprill 1652 and