HCA 13/70 f.716v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 716 |
Side | Verso |
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Kate Morant | |
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2015/02/05 |
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To the .9th. he saith, he never saw, so farr as he knoweth or remem=
breth, the sayd ship[?p] the Mercurius, nor doth certainly know, that
there was any such shipp in being . but saith he had the before
mentioned relation of and touching the sayd Shipp Mercury of
and from the sayd [?J]urian or George Mattison in or about the
month of August 1653. And further he cannot depose
To the .10th. he saith he was not att Cadiz att such tyme as the sayd
shippes or any of them departed from Cadiz. And further
cannot depose.
To the .11th. he saith he cannot answer of his knowledge being not att
Cadiz when the sayd shippes are sayd to have come from thence.
but saith he heard the sayd Mattison say, that the sayd four
Shipps Sampson, Salvador, St George and Mercurius departed
from thence alltogether, meaning upon one, and, the same day,
and att the same tyme, as the deponent conseyveth. And
otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 12th. he saith he cannot of his owne certaine sight, or know=
ledge depose where or in what place, or when the sayd shipps
Sampson, Salvador and Saint George, or any of them were
built. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 13th. he sayth he doth not know how many Owners have
part, or share in the sayd shippes, Sampson, Salvador, and Saint George
nor any, or eyther of them: And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 14th. he saith, he doth not know any one of the Owners of
any of the last mentioned three shipps, or of the goods in
question, neyther did he ever see them or any of them so far
as he knoweth or remembreth. And otherwise he cannot
To the .15th. he saith, he knoweth nothing of his owne knowledge
touching the property, or Ownershipp of the sayd three shipps or any
of them; but saith that the sayd Reeve, Johnson and Mattison
did in or about the month of August 1653. acquaint this
deponent that the sayd shipps did belong to holland, and that
the sayd Queman, Vandestranty Nelson and Webb living in
Amsterdam were Owners or interested persons in the sayd shipps
and lading thereof. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 16th. he saith he was not present, nor saw the buying, or
contracting for the sayd three shipps, or their lading, nor of any
or eyther, or any part of any of them or[?,] of the lading
of any of them, made or contracted for by any
person whatsoever. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 17th. he saith, he hath for these five yeares last past, lived
in ffor street in the parish of Saint Giles Cripplegate aforesayd
and in that street now: liveth with his wife and family; and is
free of the Vintners Company of London, but for these seven