HCA 13/70 f.669v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.669v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


then worth the severall and respective summes schedulated, and at that
rate the said Beniamin Gunson agreed for and bought and accepted
the same, and soe much they were then worth at the market price.
All which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent being then servant
to the producent did deliver the same, and sent them aboard at the
said rates by the said Gunsons order, and made entrie thereof in
his said masters debt booke, which hee hath lately perused, and hath an
abstract thereof nowe with him, and thereby is the better assured of
the particulars, prizes and times of the said delivery, Abd otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that very shortly after the said delivery and
the receipt of the said goods aboard the said shipp, shee went and proceeded
to sea, and the said producent hath not (as hee verily beleeveth) bin
at any time paid or satisfied for the same, but was faine to
assure the same, the which assurance cost him fiftie shillings
as hee hath heard and beleeveth.

To the fifth hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court.

To the sixth hee cannot depose, saving it is a losse to the said
producent to have bin soe longe out of his money.

Repeated before the two Judges in Court./.

Josias Harrison [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 19th of January 1655. [CENTE HEADING]

Winchurst and Yong against Andrewes}
Smith. Suckley.}

Examined upon the allegation given in the behalf
of the said Winchurst 16th instant

Rp. .j.

William Glanville of Shadwell in the County of
Middlesex Mariner, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the fifth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
after the freighting and hiring the shipp the Edward allegate
shee departed and sett saile for ffyall and there safely arived
on or about the 23th of October 1654 old stile, and there abade
and remayned in delivereing out and taking in the goods and merchandiszes
of the arlate Samuel Andrewes, and that the last of them were not
delivered into the said shipp at ffyall by the factors or agents of the
said Andrewes untill the 24th of November 1654, soe that the
said shipp remained there in delivering out and taking in the
said Samuel Andrewes his goods by the space of thirtie five dayes
all which hee knoweth being masters mate of the said shipp the said