HCA 13/70 f.65r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.65r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth hee saith, hee this rendent doeth not knowe neither doeth
hee believe nor hath ever heard that the goods in question were either
directly or indirectly to be sent for ffrance or belonging to ffrenchmen, nor
that in any Case whatsoever they were to have been upon any such accompt.

Repeated before doctor Clarke./

Abraham Gaultier [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 27th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against Brewer.}
Budd. Smyth.}

Examined upon a second allegation
given in on the behalf of the
Lord Protector.

Rowe dt.

Humphrey Broome servant of Mr John day
of London Merchant, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the first hee saith that since the moneth of June 1652 namely in
or about the moneth of October 1652 this deponents master John Day (as this deponent findeth in his books) bought
a parcel of sweete oile of the Commissioners
for prize goods, and received them after the measure or quantitie 0f 236
gallons to the tonne, and not above, as being the usuall quantitie of gallons
to a tonne of sweete oiles. And saith that this deponent hath
served the said Mr Day in the way of a broker and merchant
for theise 8 yeares last, and thereby well knoweth that that gage
namely 236 gallons of sweete oiles to the tonne hath bin the ordinary
and usuall gage betwixt buyer and seller of sweete oiles in
this citie for all the said time and after that gage his said master hath in that time
bought and sold many parcells of sweete oiles, and in particular hee knoweth
that many parcells of sweete oiles have bin bought and received
of the Commissioners for prize goods after that gage. And this hee saith was and is
true, publique and notorious.

To the second hee cannot depose.

To the third hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition, And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth and 5th hee hath often heard the said Mr Day speake
to the effect arlate, namely that hee had bought the parcel of oiles
in question of Mr Brewer after Mr Browar
had bought them at the prize office. And otherwise hee cannot depose
saving as aforesaid.

To the 6th hee saith that after such buying by the said John Day, this
deponent by the said John Dayes order received twelve pounds of Mr
Brewars servant towards the payment of the excise for the same,
and after the said buying the said John Day making account that hee