HCA 13/70 f.62r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 62 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/29 |
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a custome observed amongst and betweene masters of shipps and Chirurgeons
in this port of London, that the Chyrurgeons hired to serve in any shipps or
vessels doe not enter into pay until the shipps coming to Gravesend outwards
bound upon any voyage, and that at the retourne of shipps or vessels from their
voyages to Gravesend, the Chyrurgeons are accompted dischargeable and
dischardged there from any further service or attendance on board such shipps,
and from that time are out of pay and dismissed from any mor or further
monethly pay from such ship or shipps or the owners thereof; All which
hee knoweth for that hee hath used sea faring for all the fore said time, and
hath bin a master of shipps and used the southerne voyages for theise sixteen
yeares last past, and as hee hath often heard and beleeveth the said custome
hath bin observed and practised for time beyond the memory of man: And
as touching the custome of the Chyrurgeons not being bound to applie any
medicaments or physic to any of the shipps company for sicknesse or hurt
happened unto them after the shipps retourne to Gravesend unlesse they
pay for the same themselves. hee saith hee cannot speake knowingly
thereof, but beleeveth that there is such a custome here practised.
And saith that the said Chirurgeons lawfully may and usually doe leave
the shipps after and upon their retourne to Gravesend, by the foresaid custome,
and are not bound to continue any longer aboard, being from that time out
of pay, but the rest of the company of any ship or shipps are
obliged to continue aboard until the shipps coming to an anchor and
her being moored, if the master soe require them, and until the said master
dismisse them, and until that time they are in pay, which hee alsoe
knoweth for the resaons aforesaid.
To the sixth article hee cannot depose thereto./
Repeated before doctor Clarke./
The 17th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Captaine Benjamin Gunston commander}
of the ship the Chase, against
Pennington and others. Clements. Smith. Suckley.}
Examined upon an allegation given in
on the behalf of the said
Gunston the fifteenth of
this instant.
Rp. .j.
William Harding of Milton neere
Gravesend in the County of Kent mariner
Masters second mate of the said ship the Chase
aged 42 yeares or thereabouts sworne and
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that the
ship the Chase (Beniamin Gunston commander) in her last homewards