HCA 13/70 f.610v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.610v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


downe, shee foundered and sunck right downe, and her company
whereof this deponent was one saved them selves in her boate
and this hee saith was on a munday happening about a moneth
agoe, and soe the said shipp was cast away with all her tackle
rigging and furniture and materialls, nothing being saved, but
all sinking into the sea of his this deponents sight and knowledge.
And saith the said Thomas Partridge was accompted sole owner of
her. And otherwise hee cannot depose./

The mark of
Phillip [MARKE] [?Lawe] [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 26th of September 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of the said Severison and}
others in the Medaea}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Eelman Severinson of Madenblick Mariner, aged
34 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith
and deposeth that in or about the moneth of May last past hee
this deponent and severall of his company hereafter mentioned did
for their owne and respective accompts lade and put onboard the said
shipp the Madea (whereof this deponent is master) then lying in the
port of Marseille and bound for haver de Grace, videlicet this deponent
then and there laded for his owne accompt the quantitie of six
chests of sope and one pack of leather, the sope marked ES. and the
leather B and that about a moneth after the said shipp being in
her course from Marseille for haver de Grace met with a
ship of Maiorca bound for Amsterdam, and that this deponent
bought of the master of the said shipp and laded aboard the Medea
for his owne accompt foure and twenty coverlets without marke, and
further that the arlate Lucas Lucason Steersman of the said shipp
Medea laded and put aboard her at Marseille in or about May last
for his owne accompt foure and twenty chests of sope marked YB. and
one barrell of sope marked WE. and that this deponent and the said
Steersman ioyntly laded for their owne accompt the time and place aforesaid
one butt of oile without marke but numbred 4. and that Conrade
Errincke the Chyrurgeon of the said shipp laded two chests of sope
marked CE for his owne accompt, and that Stephen [?Croyanson]
arlate laded aboard her for his owne accompt seaven chests of sope marked
E.R. and that other of the common men of the said shipp namely A[?lbert GUTTER]
ffolkert and Cornelius the two boyes laded for their ioynt accompt
three matts or chests of sope marked [MARKE] All the said goods