HCA 13/70 f.601v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.601v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The fifth of September 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Information [?material] touching}
the misbehaviour of the Captaine}
and Companie of the frigot that}
tooke the Hope of Hamborowe}

fra: dt.

Casten Stubb of hamborough Mariner, Master of the
shipp the Hope of Hamburgh, aged 40 yeares or
thereabouts sworne as in the acts of Court, saith
and deposeth by vertue of his oath.

That his said shipp the Hope comming from Croisick in ffrance
with a cargo of one hundred twenty eight moys or thereabouts of
salt bound for Saint Malo's, was in her course on the seaven and
twentieth of June last (old stile) on the coast of ffrance shortly after
her comming out of Croisick met with by a frigot of this Commonwealth
commannded by Captaine Saddleton, and taken and brought up to
ffoy in Cornewall. And saith that upon the said seizure the said
Captaine Saddleton ca,e aboard the Hope at sea, and some of his
company and imbeazeld and tooke and carried away out of and from the
said shipp Hope many of her tackle, furniture and apparrell and
much of her victuall, and the rest after her bringing ashore in
England and alsoe many of her company the Hope their clothes, moneys
and [?stores], and in perticular hee saith they tooke and embezeld
all her tackle, furniture, apparell, clothes, moneys and necessaries
comprised in a schedule thereof by him left for the information of
this Court, of the valews and worth therein alsoe set downe;
qwhich hee knoweth being master of the said shipp and seeing the most
of them soe taken away, and brought aboard the said frigot, while
hee was therein, and having information of and from his sailers and
boatswaine of the rest. And saith that upon the said seizure this
deponent was carried aboard the said frigot, and therein detained
till her comming with the said shipp to ffoy, and there this deponent
was taken out and by the said Captaine committed prisoner to a house
in the towne, and there kept fourteene dayes or thereabouts under the guard
somtimes of one and somtimes of two souldiers. And saith that
assoone as the company of the said frigot came aboard the Hope they
fell a striking and beating this deponent and company as if they
had bin their enemies, and cutt the arme of one of this deponents
man that was standing at the helme, and all this without any
provocation given, and after this deponent and company had informed
them that they were of hamborough, and had stricken saile
according to commande. And saith that within three dayes or
thereabouts after the said shipps bringinmg up to ffoy, the Captaine
and officers there began to unlade the said salt, and in tenn or twelve
dayes space wholly tooke out and discharged the same, soe that when
this deponent came thence (which was on or about the nine and
twentieth of July last) there was not any part of her
salt remayning aboard./

Carsten Stubb [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]