HCA 13/70 f.570r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.570r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


at the lower Chayne neere Lymehouse that shee might ride thereby,
but by reason the vessell the ffrancis and Mary arlate was fastened thereto
with a Cable and there was noe fastening to the chayne till the tyde were
lower, the sayd Woodfin caused the Company of his vessell to fasten a hawser to the Cable of the ffrancis and Mary to stay his shipp the Exeter
Merchant till the tyde was lower that hee might fasten her to the sayd
chayne, and went aboard the ffrancis and Mary and spake to Mr
Smith the Master of her and desyred him that hee might alsoe
fasten an other hawser to the boltspritt of the sayd ffrancis and Mary untill
such tyme as the tyde fell soe much that he might fasten to the chayne
but the sayd Smyth although it be a usuall instance for shipps in the
River of Thames to fasten upon one another for one tyde at least, refused to lett
him fasten his sayd shipp the Exeter Merchant to the boltspritt of the
ffrancis and mary, and alsoe commanded one of his Company to
Cutt the hawser of the Exeter Merchant which was fastned to his the
sayd Smyths Cable, and one of the Company of the sayd Smiths shipp
did accordingly cutt the sayd hawser in a willfull and violent manner
before shee had layne halfe an hower soe fastned, by meanes whereof
(the tyde then ebbing very strobgly), the sayd vessell the Exeter Merchant
was turned a drift with all her ladeing, to the great danger of the
losse of the sayd vessell and her ladeing and of such other shipps and their
goods as laye neere thereunto, and by reason of the sayd vessell the
Exeter Merchant her being soe willfully turned a drift by the Company of the
ffrancis and Mary, the Exeter Merchant fell fowle of the Boltspritt of
the arlate Vessell the Pilgrim, and brake downe her the sayd Exeter Merchants
quarter and shee was by force of the tyde of ebb carried and driven (togeather
with the sayd vessell the Pilgrim and a Collier that laye aboard the
Pilgrim on ground notwithstanding the Master of the Exeter Merchant caused this deponent to drop an Anchor presently to staye the sayd shipp Exeter Merchant And did his best endeavour to prevent any damage but the value of the damage hee cannot depose/
the premisses hee deposeth being then boatswaine of the sayd shipp the Exeter Merchant, and on board her and hearing the sayd Woodfin speake to
the sayd Smith and desyre him in freindly manner to permitt him to fasten a hawser
to his boltspritt, and seeing the sayd Smiths Company cut the halser
of the Exeter Merchant fastned to their cable as aforesayd, And further
to those articles hee cannot depose.

To the 5th hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee well knoweth the mending
and repayring of the Exeter Merchants quarter, and new mooreing of her could not choose
but cost the arlate hatton and Company a considerable summe of money but
how much hee cannot estimate./

To the 6th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of this Court
and further cannot depose./