HCA 13/70 f.564r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.564r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


producent is a very great losse, being allmost undone
by being kept out of possession of the shipp arlate by
the sayd Mathew Pindar And further he cannot

To the eight ninth and tenth he referreth himselfe to
the Law and Registry of this Court And further he
cannot depose.

To the last he saith his former deposition is true.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first he answereth that he hath gone Masters Mate
many voyages, that he favoureth both partyes alike and
if it were in his powere he would give the victory to that side
that hath the right to it.

To the second and third Interrogatoryes he answerereth that the
interrate Pindar did sayle the sayd shipp into the haven if
Sandwich, which he this RRendent could have done aswell,
and that he having brought her into the sayd haven he
did not desert her but did keepe possession of her, and
hath since made many voyages with her, And referring
himselfe to his former deposition he cannot further answere

To the fourth he referreth himselfe to his former deposition
and further cannot answere.

To the 5th he cannot answere

To the sixth he answereth that he the Rendent was for
the most part aboard the shipp interrate and usually
money is payd ashoare And otherwise he knoweth not
to answeare./

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin.

The marke of Joseph H hatch [MARKE, RH SIDE]


On the 29th of ffebruary 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Robinson against Jeremy and}
Jasper [?Van] Cullen}
Clements Suckley}

Upon the Libell.

Rp. 3.

William Games of Greenwich in the County of Kent
Waterman, where he was borne, and hath lived allmost
ever since, aged about 58 yeares, a wittnes produced
and sworne and being examined deposeth

To the first article of the sayd Libell he deposeth and saith that he
hath knowne the Libellate John Robinson from his birth, and alsoe
knew his father very well, and that his sayd father was a ffisherman
and the sayd John Robinson the sonne was by his sayd father brought
up in the way or trade of fishing, and that he hath not at presente
nor ever had any other way of livelyhood then that of fishing
and soe consequently was an Owner in the moneth
of November last of Wilchens, weeles and Lamprills, for that
he cannot use his trade without such things, And further he cannot depose

To the second and third articles he deposeth and saith That he the
deponent dwelling and keeping a wharfe in Greenwich did (being upon
his sayd wharfe) in the fowrth day of November being a Sunday see
the vessell or Pinke called the Wyldeman [?XX] put anchor in the Roade
or place where the sayd John Robinson the producent had layne