HCA 13/70 f.534r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 534 |
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Emilie-Jane Farrimond | |
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2014/12/10 | |
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Edited on 31/12/2014 by Jill Wilcox |
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commonly reputed tennants of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham and
have bin for reputed for divers yeares last past And further to give allegation
hee cannot depose./
The sayd Robert Rye to the Allegation arlate
bearing date the 10th of October 1653/
To the first article hee saith hee that heard by Common repute in
ffeversham and places adiacent that the ffishermen tennants of the Mannor
and hundred of ffeversham and noe other ffishermen of other places have
tyme out of mynde furnished and stowed the grounds in question soe often
as they stood neede with visters, which oysters like report hee have heard they bought in Essex and other
places and have some yeares bestowed therein thirty pounds
a yeare and some yeares more and some yeares lesse, and that hee never
heard that any other but the tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham
did ever expend? any money to store the same or had any right to fish
there And further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 2 article hee saith of his owne knowledge hee having often passed
by in boats and seeing the same) that ffishermen
tennants of the Mannor and hundreds or others for them of ffeversham have for divers
yeares last past used to watch the grounds in question
to prevent fishermen of other places
from fishing in the sayd grounds, and have (as hee hath heard credibly from watchmen
imployed by then thereabouts) expended thirty shillings a weeke and somtymes more
about the same, and saith hee never heard that any ffishermen of any other place
save the tennants of the sayd Mannor and hundred did at any tyme watch those grounds
or say for the watching of them, or had any right to fish and catch oysters or
other fish on the sayd grounds and further saving his forgiving disposition thee
cannot depose/
To the last he saith his forgiving depositions are true./
To the Interrogatories/
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee cometh uncompelled by any order of this
Court upon the request of the preducents to testifie the truth in this cause and saith
they beare his charges and that hee is noe ffisherman nor useth to fish in the
grounds in question and saith hee desyreth right may prevaile in this
cause and that hee (began noe tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham
as touching the grounds in question) it will be neither benefit nor preiudice
to him which partie soe ever prevaileth therein And further he cannot
To the 2 hee saith hee hath lived and has his residence from his birth in ffever=
sham save at such tymes as hee hath bin at sea upon his necessary occasions
and hath knowne the grounds and places Interrogatorrie for those sixe or seaven and fifty yeares
last past and saith they lye in the ebbing and flowing of the sea, and
saith shipps of such a burthen as is interrogate or of any great
burthen cannot ride there, for that he knoweth the entrance there into is
very shallow water, not above 6 or 7 foote deepe at lowe water and will not at
any tyme admitt shipps of any considerable burthen to enter in and ride there