HCA 13/70 f.533v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.533v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day [centre heading]

Examined upon the said allegation in the Acts of Court


Robert Rye of ffeversham in the Countie of Kent Seaman
there borne and living all his life tyme aged sixty nyne years
or thereabouts a wittnes sworn and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the sayd allegation he saith that he hath bin a seaman and used the seas for
about these sixe or seaven and 50 years last past and during all that tyme well
knowne the grounds allegate called the Nebb or Garty shoare and East
Swale , and Becon grounds and ?Nesse and Pollard grounds
and saith during the sayd tyme they have bin and are fishing grounds where in
were and are bedds of oysters and saith he hath seene and heard writings
read expresseing that the sayd and part of the mannor all and hundred
was and that the said and part of the all and hundred
ffeversham and that that is grounded by Queen Elizabeth
and by Kings of this nation since Her ?Reyers? unto the Lords of the
of ffeversham for the times respectively being with power
for them or their Tennants ffishermen of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham to fish
in the said grounds
and say that hee hath heard from his father
and other ?amuichient Inhabitants of ffeversham that the
said grounds and the fishing of them had in like manner belonged by a ?muchient
from the Kings of this nation and the Lord of the Manor of ffeversham
and their tennants of the sayd mannor and the hundred thereof for tyme beyond the memory of men
now living And hee saith that for these sixe or seaven and 50 years
last past hee hath knowne and observed that the fishermen Tennants of the
said mannor and hundreds of ffeversham have ffished in the sayd
grounds for oysters and other fish and converted them to their owne proper use
and benefitt exclusive to all other ffishermen and bin in quiet possession
thereof exclusive to all other ffishing, saving that somtymes fishermen
of shroud and other places have bin taken fishing for oysters in the said grounds somtymes
and some of them have escaped away and others have bin imprisoned
of this deponents sight and knowledge for soe doing, And hee saith that
according to common fame and report in ffeversham and parts adiacent the
fishing for oysters and other fish in the sayd grounds doe and of right
ought soley to belonge and so have belonged tyme out of mynde and
memory of men now living to the Lords of the Mannor of ffeversham
the tymes respectively being and their tennants ffishermen of the sayd
mannor and hundred of ffeversham and that they the said Tenants have
and doe yearely pay for such their priviledge soe to doe to the Lords
of the said mannor or his steward for the time being twenty there
shillings foure pence, And saith hee never know nor heard that any
ffishermen of Milton Stroude Halstow Gillingham or any parts adiacent
or any but the tennants of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham were
at any tyme in quiet possession of fishing in the said grounds or
permitted quietly to fish there if they were ?disconered And saith hee
beleeveth the allegate William Luson and others the producents in this suite