HCA 13/70 f.531r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.531r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham ever since their deponent came
to live there which is about 3 years and a halfe last passed and upwards, and further
hee cannot depose hee this deponent not being a tennant to the said mannor
and hundred for any of the grounds in question./

The sayd William Benson upon the sayd articulate
allegation given in the 10th of 8ber 1655/

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith for that hee
hath not used to fish in the grounds in question nor is any tennant to them
hee cannot depose any thing of his knowledge as touching the storeing
of the grounds in question with oysters but saith hee hath heard his
contest John Cullever saye that he hath same yeares passed lent
the tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham with who have right as he beleeveth in
the sayd grounds in question 30 pounds at a tyme which as hee sayd
they borrowed of him to buy oysters to store this sayd grounds, and
saith he never heard that any the fishermen of showde Gillingham
Milton arlate or any other but the tennants fishermen of the Mannor or and
hundred of ffeversham did at any tyme store the said grounds or
pay for the storeing of them with oysters, or had any right to fish in
them for oysters or other fish and further saveing his foregoeing deposition an
he cannot depose saving hee saith it is a Common reporte in
ffeversham that the fishermen tennants of the Mannor and hundred of
ffeversham and not other fishermen what soever have right to fish
for oysters or any other fish in the sayd grounds nor save bin at any tyme or are at any charge to
store the same with oysters when neede for requires./

to the second article of the sayd allegation he saith that since hee this deponent
came to live at ffeversham which is the use and upwards hee hath
observed and taken notice that the fishermen tennents of the Lordshipp
and hundred of ffeversham doe themselves or others for them every yeare
keepe watch from about Lammas till about a month after Michaelmas
on the Oyster grounds in question to prevent any but those of their sayd
mannor and hundred for fishing there for oysters, but what they ?exchens
weekley therein hee knoweth not, and said hee never heard that the inhabi =
tants of Stroade Milton Gillingham, or any but the tennants of the
hundred and mannor of ffeversham did ever lay out any money for
watching the sayd grounds or did ever watch the same And further
saving his foregiving deposition hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition in true./

To the interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first interrogatory hee is saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause at
the request of the producents who leave his charges and saith hee was
not compelled to come by any other of this Court and saith hee is a
ffishermen by profession but hath left it off for some yeares last past and