HCA 13/70 f.530v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.530v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 7th saving his foregoeing disposition hee cannot answer./

To the 8th he saith there are divers other smale fish besides oysters taken
in the grounds in question And saith hee believeth none but the feversham
fishermen doe catch other fish in the sayd places unlesse they doe it
secretly with out the knowledge of the ffeversham men and part is they were to taken ?soudering hee beleeveth they were fined for the same ?XXrefXXassers And further
he cannot answere saving his foregoeing deposition./

To the 9th he never heard of and nor beleeveth any such thing as is mentioned
in this Interrogatoie./

the marks of the sayd [RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Godolphin [LH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
examined upon the sayd allegation in made in the Articles
of Court./

William Benson of ffeversham in the County of Kent ffisher=
man where hee given for these three yeares and a half
and somwhat more last past and before that at Halstow in the
same County for about two or three and thirty years borne
at Gillingham in Kent aged 58 years or thereabouts a witnes
sworn and examined saith and deposeth are following videlicet./

To the said allegation made in the articles of court he saith he hath known
the grounds allegate called the ?Nebb? or ?Gairly shoare, East swale the (Xbeaton?)
grounds ?Nesse grounds and Pollard grounds for these thirty years last passed
being a ffisherman and having used to fish neere these places and saith
that during this deponents knowledge of them they were fishing grounds wherein bedds of oysters laye and were commonly accompted
and reputed to be part of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham and the
fishing for oysters and other fish in them to belonge wholly to the Lords of the
sayd mannor of ffeversham and their tennants ffisherman of the sayd Mannor
and humdred of ffeversham and to noe other ffisherman what soever ?coho this deponent hath observed did usually during
the said time fish for oysters there and other ffish, and as hee beleeveth ?convert
then, to their owne proper use and benefit, for which privileged he saith
hee hath heard the Tennants ffisherman of the said mannor of hundred did and
doe pay to the Lord of the sayd mannor the yearely rent of XX m s ms And
saith hee this deponent having bin a ffisherman living at Halstow allegate
for the spase of two or three and thirty yeares next before his coming to
live at ffeversham never know or heard that the ffisherman
of Halstow Strowde Milton Gillingham or other places adiacent, or
any but the ffishermen of ffeversham tennants of the mannor and
hundred thereof ever had any right to fish in the said grounds or
did fish in them either for oysters or other fish unlesse they did it ?senelley GUTTER
in the night time And that saith hee knoweth
the allegate William Luson and George fles Samuel Godfrey William
Danson Thomas ?Harrig John George and saith they have bin Accompted tennants