HCA 13/70 f.51r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 51 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/11 |
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The 13th of January 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Touching a storme happened}
to the Peter and Anne of London,}
William Chamlet Commander}
William Chamlet of Redriff in the County of Surrey
Mariner, aged fiftie five yeares or thereabouts. master
or commander of the said shipp the Peter and Anne,
henry Turpin of Wapping in the County of Middlesex
Mariner, aged 30 yeares or thereabouts masters mate
of the said shipp, and William Chamlet the yonger of the parish
of Saint Buttolphs Billingsgate London mariner aged
22 yeares or thereabouts alsoe masters mate of the
said shipp sworne before the right worshipfull William
Clerke doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the
high Court of the Admiraltie say and depose by
vertue of their oathes.
That the said good shipp the Peter and Anne of London of the burthen
of foure score tonnes or thereabouts, in her homewards voyage from
the Canary Islands laden with hides, ginger, sugar, logwood and
Shumack which shee tooke in at the Iland of Palma (,whence shee
departed on or about the eleaventh of december last past) comming about
the heights of theNorth Cape of Portugall, otherwise called Cape
ffinisterra, was on or about fifteene dayes after such her departure
over taken with a very violent and furious storme and tempest, by meanes
whereof the sea washed over and oftentimes covered the decks of the said shipp, soe
that the said shipp and goods and the said master and Company were
in greate danger of being cast away and perishing in the sea;
and say that the said strome continued about sixteene dayes space
and untill the shipps comming into the downes, during all which
time the master aforesaid and company used all possible
care and diligence for the preservation of the said shipp (their
owne lives being in greate perill) and to keepe the marchandize aboard
from taking any harme, by keepinge her decks close and all
things in as good order as they could, wherein they continually
laboured and toiled during the said stroeme, and were likewise
very diligent to preserve the said marchandize from dammage
during all the said voyage. And they further ioyntly depose that
in case any dammage hath happened or befallen unto any of the
merchandize or lading of the said shipp, the same soe happened
in and by meanes of the said storme, and not by any neglect of
the said master and company or of any of them, nor by any
defect or insufficiency of the said shipp the Peter and Anne.
All which they knowe, the said William Chamlet the elder being master
and the said henry Turpin and William Chamlet the yonger masters
mates as aforesaid of the said shipp, and present and seeing the
premisses soe donne and happened as aforesaid.
William Chamlett [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
William Chamlett [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]