HCA 13/70 f.485r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.485r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


saith that the sayd halfe deales and the said peeces of
deale were cutt for the more convenient stowing of them
in the said shipp, otherwise the sayd shipp had not
nor could have brought home soe much as she did by a
third, And further he cannot depose./

To the fifth and sixth articles he cannot depose./

To the seaventh article he deposeth and saith that the sayd
Symon Beale the producent hath bin much damaged in not
receiving the whole freight due unto him for the sayd
voyage, for that (as he beleiveth) had he not bin compelled
to have sued for his due, he had made a voyage by this
time to and from Newcastle, And further he cannot depose.

To the 8th he cannot depose.

To the 9th article he saith that the arlate Gooding and
Langdon doe both live upon Wapping Wall, and are subjects
to this Commonwealth And further he cannot depose.

To the tenth, he referreth himselfe to the Lawes.

To the last he saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he was (as he hath
predeposed) one of the said shipps Company the voyage
interrate, but had not any place in her, and that he hath
receaved all his wages for the said voyage And further
he cannot answer./

To the 2d Interrogatory he answereth that he was present when most
of the said deales were delivered out of the shipp interrate
but saith he kept noe account of them or any part of them
And further he cannot answeare./

To the third Interrogatory he saith he cannot answeare/

Repeated with his precontest
before Doctor Godolphin



On the 26th of September 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]


Richard Grassingham of the parish of Stepney
in the County of Middlesex Shipwright, where he
hath lived nigh 22ty yeares, a wittnes produced
and sworne and being examined he deposeth as followeth.

To the first article of the allegation he deposeth and
saith that he the deponent hath knowne the arlate Symon
Beale the producent for about 21 yeares last past
and that by reason of the acquaintance the deponent
had and hath with him he well knoweth that for about 18
yeares last last the sayd Beale hath bin and at
the present is Master, and a part Owner of the
arlate shipp the Providence of London And further
to the sayd article he cannot depose./
