HCA 13/70 f.484v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.484v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third Interrogatory he answereth that he cannot
now remember how many whole deales and how many
peeces of deales were delivered, And that he was not
present at the view interrate, And further or otherwise
he knoweth not to answeare.

William Horne [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



Abraham Crane of Wapping Wall in the County
of Middlesex Mariner where he hath lived the most
part of his life, borne there, aged neere upon 23
yeares, a wittnes produced and sworne and being
examined deposeth as followeth.

To the first and second articles of the allegation he deposeth and saith
that he the deponent was one of the shipp the Providence
of London her Company in her voyage to Norway this
present yeare, which voyage shee begann about the latter end of
May last past or the beginning of June, and that the arlate
Symon Beale went Master of her the sayd voyage, and
that he hath soe bin for about sixteene yeares last past
and that he is and hath bin commonly accompted and reputed
to be a paart Owner of her, for he saith that the sayd
Symon Beales father was whilst he lived a part Owner
of her, and that after the fathers death the same part
came to the sonne videlicet Symon Beale the producent, And
he saith and deposeth that he came to understand that
the said shipp was lett out to freight to the arlate
Ambrose Gooding and Oliver Langdon for the voyage
arlate to be made with the said shipp from this port of
London to Norway and soe back againe, for that
they did frequently before such time, as she sett sayle
out of this River upon the said voyage come unto the said shipps side
as the freighters of her, and gave orders and directions,
And further he saith he cannot depose.

To the third and fourth articles of the said allegation he
deposeth and saith that after such time as the arlate shipp
the Providence arrived at Swinsound in Norway (which
was about the ninth day of June last, the factors or
Agents there of the arlate Gooding and Langdon
did for their use and accompt lade and putt on board the
said shipp a great number of deales, accompting sixe score
to the hundred and not more, But he saith he knoweth
not the certaine number of the said Deals, and that all the
said deals soe laden aboard the said shipp was after her
arrivall there in this River of Thames delivered unto the
said Gooding and Langdon or their Assignes, either in
whole deales, or halfe deales or peices of Deales, All
which said halfe deales and peices of deales were of his
certaine knowledge he deposeth cutt of the whole deales
brought to the said shipp at Swinsound by the Agents
or factors of the sayd Gooding and Langdon, and he