HCA 13/70 f.458v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 458 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/01/07 | |
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Edited on October 5th 2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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of the rest of the Company of the Prosperous who were on board the King David
and appointed to bring her to London did sell the severall parcells of goods hereafter
specified to the severall persons hereafter named for the severall values following
videlicet hee soe sold to John Cotterell of Scarborowe Mariner three drye fatts of
Muscovia skinnes (every dry fatt conteyning twenty five dozen) at the rate
and for the price of twenty two shillings fr each dozen amounting in the
whole to eighty two pounds tenn shillings sterling And that in like manner
hee sold unto William ffaucett of Sunderland ffitter twenty two dozen
of the like skinnes at the rate and for the price of twenty two shillings a dozen
which amounted in the whole to twenty fower pounds fower shillings All
which skinnes soe sold to the sayd Cotterell and ffawcet hee saith were all
of them stowed betweene the decks of the King david And further to this
Interrogatorie hee cannot depose
The 4th of October 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Mabb against Greene
ffrancklin Smith
Examined upon an allegation given in by Mr Smith the second day
of October 1655
John South of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex
Mariner Gunner of the ffrigott the hector aged 44 yeares or there=
abouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth that about the fifteenth
day of September one thousand sixe hundred fifty fower the arlate henry Mabb was then
Master of the hector ffrigott arlate and that shee then laye at Anchor in the River of
Thames a little belowe a place called dikes shoare in Lymehouse way And
saith hee this deponent being then Gunner aboard the sayd ffrigott and perceiving that
divers Colliers were comeing up the River laden did according as the custome of the
sayd River in such cases is goe to reare the sayd ffrigott the hector
asterne that the Collyers shipps might sayle cleere of the sayd ffrigott, but
the sayd henry Mabb speaking to this deponent sayd meddle with what you have to
doe with all and would not suffer this deponent nor any of the rest of the company
of the sayd ffrigott to reare her a sterne, by which meanes hee saith one of the
Colliers shipps who were soe coming upladen came aboard the hector arlate
and brake her head and sterne and the head of the mayne topp maste And
hee alsoe saith that upon the 18th day of October 1654 the sayd ffrigott hector being
then rideing at the Isle of Wight and the sayd henry Mabb being then Master, and
hee this deponent gunner of her hee this deponent spake to the sayd Mabb and told him
it would be necessarie that the sayd frigott were heaved neerer the shoare uut of
the tyde but the sayd Mabb would not suffer her soe to be heaved by meanes
whereof when the tyde ranne stronge the force thereof caused the sayd frigott to breake the stake to
which the hawser iof the ffrigott was made fast to on shoare, and soe the sayd ffrigott
brake loose and fell fowle of an other shipp lying neere and brake her the sayd
hectors Mizen Maste and quarter by which severall willfull defaultes
of the sayd mabb the hector was damnified in manner predeposed but
to what value hee cannot depose And further to these articles hee cannot depose
To the third hee saith the sayd Mabb did as Master of the sayd ffrigott undertake
to Navigate her to Bilboe and did with much hazard of her mens lives bringe
her thither, and saith such hazard was occasioned by the sayd Mabbs unskillfullnesse
of the coast thereabouts, and hee saith the sayd Mabbs unskillfullnesse did