HCA 13/70 f.454r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 454 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/12 |
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To the third Interrogatorie hee cannot depose neither doth it concerne him to answer thereto
for that hee hath not deposed to the article Interrogate./
To 4th Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his foregoeing deposition
saving hee saith that none of the persons who brought the other ginger Interrate
did meddle in the layeing by of the sayd Swinnocks hundred baggs or any
part thereof, nor with the takeing out of their owne parts, but the same was
all done by this deponent and his sayd precontests without suffering any person
interressed in the sayd parcells of ginger to meddle with the decideing or removeing
of either the sayd Swinnocks or any of their owne parcells thereof from the sayd
whole parcell of three hundred and odd sacks./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin/
George Greenewood [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 13th of August 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]
A busines of Ensurance touching certaine losses}
of and in the shipp called the Rebecca of London}
promoted by Nathaniell Andrewes and Adam Jennings}
Merchants against Richard Shute and Nicholas Skinner}
Examined upon certaine Interrogatories given in on the
behalfe of the sayd Andrews and Jennings./
William Bower of the parish of Saint Michaell
Cornehill London Scrivener aged 30 yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne before the Right
Worshippful John Godolphin doctor of Lawes one of the Judges
of the high Court of Admiralty saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith hee beleeveth there were severall part Owners
and Proprietors of the shipp the Rebecca Interrogate at the tyme Interrogate and
beleeveth the Interrogate Nathaniell Andrews to be then a part owner of her, for
that hee hath seene a bill of sale which was made to the sayd Mr Andrews of
one full eighth parte of the sayd Shipp her tackle apparrell and furniture and hath heard Thomas Smith one of the witnesses to the sayd bill of sale saye that hee sawe the same
And saith that hee well knoweth for the reasons hereafter expressed that
the Interrogate Adam Jennings at the tyme Interrogate was
Owner and Proprietor of a full fowerth part of the sayd Shipp and her tackle
apparrell and furniture and for such was and is Commonly reputed and further
saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose
To the third Interrogatorie and to the writings thereto annexed shewed unto this
deponent at the tyme of his examination beginning thus To all people to
whome this present writing shall come Maurice Thompson of London Merchant
sendeth greeteing et cetera and ending thus, have hereunto put my hand and seale the
thirtieth day of September 1647 and in the three and twentieth yeare of the Reigne
of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles et cetera hee saith that the same writeing was
and is a bill of sale of a fowerth parte of the sayd shipp Rebecca and her tackle
apparrell and furniture, boate and provisions whatsoever belongeing to her and saith the
same writeing was by the sayd Maurice Thomson signed sealed and
delivered to the use of the sayd Adam Jennings on or about the day of the date thereof in