HCA 13/70 f.442v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.442v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


this deponent did disburse in the River of Roane for and upon the
accompt of the Merchants goods laden aboard his said shipp at averidge
and incidents thereuntos the summe of two hundred and seaven and twenty
gilders which the said Merchants were according to Charterpartie to restore to
and make good unto this deponent./

Repeated in court:/

izmschielt frieiht [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 14th day of July 1655/: [CENTRE HEADING]

A deposition of goods plundered and taken out of
the ship the Pine Apple of the Riep in Holland
(whereof Cornelius Petersen was Master) lately seized
and brought up to Portsmouth by a friggatt in the
immediate service of this Commonwealth

dt: franxcklyn: Buck:/

Cornelius Petersen of the
Riep in North holland Mariner
Master of the said ship the Pine
Apple aged 25 yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the Right Worshipfull
the Judge
of the high Court of Admiraltie saith and deposeth
by virtue of his oath followeth videlicet:

That his said ship the Pine Apple being in her Course from Rochell for
Havre de Grace in ffrance was mett with surprised and taken by a certaine
friggatt or ship of war in the immediate service of this Commonwealth by
which shee and her lading were brought up to Portsmouth, and being in
such her Course neere the Isle of Wight, the Captaine of the said
man of warr (whose name or the name of his ffriggat this deponent
now remembereth not) came aboard the said ship the Pine-apple and
violently tooke and carried away out of the same twenty whole beaver
skinns and 4. otters skinns and foure other skinns called minke
skinns and about 150. pounds of Virgina Tobaccoe, the said beaver skinns
being each worth 10. gilders in the whole 200. gilders and the said otter skinns and
minke skinns worth fortie gilders and the said Tobaccoee at 10. styvers the
pound was worth in all five and seaventy gilders the whole summe amounting
to three hundred and fifteen gilders or one and thirty pounds ten shillings
sterling, all the said goods really and truly belonging to this deponent and
Companie, and being laden aboard the said shipp for and upon their proper
accompt and Adventure, and that they were and are unduely and [?XXXXX]
dispoyled and deprived thereof by the said Captaine and Companie
The premisses hee well knoweth as being Master of the said shipp the
Pine apple, and present at and seeing the said Captaine and Companie
take and carry away all the goods affore specified, for goods of which and
this deponent would willingly give the sewerall prices above specified./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

Cornielius Peterson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]