HCA 13/70 f.442r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.442r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The thirteenth day of the moneth of July 1655

A deposition taken concerning moneyes and goods}
plundered out of the shipp called the Armes of}
Nimwegen belonging to the Port of Euckhinysen}
in Holland (Riccard ffrieson Master) lately}
seized and taken by a private man of Warr}
whereof one Golding was Commander}

Riccard ffrieson of Euckhuysen in
Holland Mariner Master of the said
shipp the Armes of Nimwegen
aged 35 years or thereabouts
sworne before the right Worshipful
Charles George Cork Esquire one of the Judges
of the high Court of the Admiraltie saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet/

That this deponent said shipp called the Armes of Nimwegen was upon the 2/12
of May Last past surprised and taken at sea by a private man of war
Commissionated as he beleeveth by and from this Commonwealth (one Captaine
Golding, as hee remembreth his name, being then Commander of the said private
man of warr) and saith That upon the same day, the said ship the Armes of
Nimwegen being by the said seized designed and in her Course for England
mett with three ships or men of warr in the immediate service of this
Commonwealth who commanded the said Captaine Golding and this deponent and
eight of his said ships Companie aboard, and after examination of this deponent and
Compaine, hee was permitted aboard the said private man of warr, and brought
up to the Port of Poole on the West of England, where after ten daies remained
hee came to speak with his steeresman, who informed him, That the
Commander: of the said three English shipps or their Companie or some of them
had a taken away and plundered out of the said shipp three hogshead of
brandewine and sixe Cheeses, the said brandewine belonging to the Merchants
laders of the said shipp, and the said cheeses being part of the said shipps provisions
And saith that since the said ships bringeing up to Poole, this deponent hath
received advise from Peter Garretson his Steeresman, That the said
Golding and Companie had plundered out of the said shipp
sixtie Gilders in readie money belonging to the said shipp, which this deponent
had disposed of in a private place in the said ship for the preservation thereof
as alsoe two fatts of Cider which cost 39 gilders and belonging to and being part of the ship provisions one hogshead of brandiewine
belonging to this deponent which cost him fiftie gilders Hee further saith, That after
the said seizure this deponent being permitted to come aboard his said shipp for
a cleane shirt did there observe that there were taken out of his cabbins
the value of 24 gilders in nuttmeggs, a new table cloath of the value of
4 gilders ten styvers, the valew of foure gilders and 5 stvers in Spanish soape
a dowery of knives of the value of three gilders And further cannot
depose, for that this deponent hath not being aboard his said shipp nor
seene how or in what manner the Lading thereof hath bin disposed of
by the seizers otherwise then as predeposed; Onely hee saith That hee