HCA 13/70 f.439v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 439 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/14 |
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for his account at the Canaaryes and to be transported
from thence to this Port of London, The premisses he
deposeth for that he this deponent was present and saw
the said Bewly subscribe to a note and therby undertake
and ingage for the said 45 Tonns, And further he
cannot depose saving that every freighter of the said shipp
was to pay 4 li and upwards per Tonne, the
certain rate he saith he cannot now remember,
To the fourth fifth, sixth, seaventh and eight
Articles he cannot depose./
To the last he saith his former deposition is true./
To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth now
to testify by the meanes and procurement of Rowland hill
of the producents, And to all the rest of the Interrogatory
he answereth negatively.
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the agreement of
affreightment interrate was concluded [?XXX] and drawne up
into wryting at the three Cranes in the Poultrey London
and that the said agreement was made by John hill then
there presente on the behalfe of the said Mr humphry hill
(his brother) who then lay sicke in bed, on th'one part and
John Bewley the party in this cause, William ffisher and
others the ffreighters of the sayd shipp the Swan on th'other
part, and that he this Rendent with another of the said
ffreighters (but whom he doth not now remember) twice repayrd
unto the said Mr humphry hill who then lay sicke at his
house in Saint hellens in Bishop=gate street London about
and concerning the drawing to a certainty of the sayd agreement
of affreightment and to have the allowance or ratification of
him the said humphry hill unto what was agreed upon
between the ffreighters and the sayd John hill, And
he answereth that the said humphry hill did confirme and
allowe of the said agreement, and that thereupon the sane
was drawne up into writing, unto which the said John
Bewly as alsoe this Rendent and the other ffreighters did subscribe
and theren undertake for their respective parts, And further hee
cannot answeare
To the third, fourth and fifth Interrogatoryes he cannot
Repeated before Doctor Claerke.
George Robinson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
On the nineth of July 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]
Richard Webb of the parish of Saint Michael Royall
London merchant, where he hath lived and in Saint [?XXX]
in the [?UnitXXey] about 15 yeares, aged about 40ty yeares
a wittnes produced and sworne and being examined
deposeth and saith as followeth./
To the first, second and third articles of the sayd allegation
he deposeth and saith That in or about the moneth of [?March]
1652/3 arlate he this deponent together with the arlate [?John]
Bewley the party in this suite, William ffisher, his this Rendents
precontest George Robinson and some others did take to freight
the arlate shipp the Swan, of the arlate humphrey hill [?XXX]
and John hill his brother, And he saith that upon the