HCA 13/70 f.390r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.390r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


did about the time of the lading of the said sugars give a solemne
acknowledgement upon oath, and signed with his owne hand, importing
that hee had received the said 7. chests of sugar from the said producent
and would bee accountable to him for them, which was purposely
and expressely done for the preservation of the said sugars to and
for the behoofe of the said producent, in regard of the then troubles
betwixt theis Nation and the king of Portugall, this deponent being
present, and as a Wittnesse subscribing the said acknowledgement
And well knowing that both the first schedule annexed to the said
Allegation and now perused by this deponent was and is one of the bills of
lading predeposed, and was firmed by this deponent with his owne hand writing
And that the second schedule annexed being the acknowledgement
aforesaid being now seene and perused by this examinate was really
and truely subscribed by the said Ignatio de Costa, and subscribed
by this deponent as Wittnesse, And thereby this deponent well knoweth
and in Conscience declareth the contents of the said schedules to
bee respectively true, and so had and done as therein is conteyned
And further cannot depose:-/

To the third hee saith, the said shipp Nostra Seniora de
Rosario (this deponent Commander) was in her Course from
Bahia towards Lisbone surprized and taken by Captaine Joseph
Jordaine Captaine of the Pellican frigatt in the service of the
Parliament of England, the said 7 . chests of sugars being then
aboard the said shipp Nostra Seniora, and were as hee beleeveth
brought in the same into England, and came to the hands and
disposall of the Prize Officers of this Commonwealth. And
further cannot depose:-/

To the last hee saith, his foregoeing deposition is true./:-

To the Interrogatories: [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith, hee this rendent is a Portuguese borne of
English parents, and was as aforesaid Commander of the said shipp
at the time of her said seizure, and hath lived for all the time
interrate in Lisbone, Guiney, Brazile, Madera, Cape de Verd Islands
and England, And otherwise negatively:/

To the second hee saith hee first knew the interrate John Lyne at the
Bahia in Brazile in the yeare 1649. or thereabouts:-

To the third hee saith, the said John Lyne bought the said sugars
of the said Ignatio de Costa at the Bahia aforesaid, and that
this rendent was present when the bargaine was made for the same
and saith the said sugars were paid for with the mones which one
diego ffernandez had preserved for the said producent out of