HCA 13/70 f.348r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.348r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


tackle, furniture, apparrell, with her guns and appurtenance were in his
estimation worth the summe of one thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts,
and that the said shipp and lading upon the said seizure come to the
possession and disposall of the English Commissioners upon the place;
and that the said master and company being turned ashore, the master
went for the Leeward Ilands, but the companys are scattered up and
downe hee knowes not where and this deponent got passage thence
for England in an English shipp, named the Providence, Captaine
[?Nevet] commannder.

To the 6 hee saith that 151 pipes of the said wines were belonging
to the said common owners of the said shipp, and that 32 other pipes thereof
were belonging in particular to this deponent and the said master, and
that the Stiersman Augustine Altecart a fflushinger had eight
pipes, and the rest of the said wines and other goods were belonging
to the shipps company (all dutch and subiects of the said States)
and other merchants dutch and English, namely harman
houterhove an Amsterdammer dwelling at Garrachico, and Joseph
[?Leukell] an English merchant dwelling at Dalagunn in Teneriff,
Thomas Brasse English merchant dwelling at Oratavo, and another
English man of Garachico, And that each pipe of the said wine was
worth 30 li pounds sterling at the time of the said seizure
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid

Pieter Warnier [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 19th of July 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of the Ginney company}
concerning a losse in the James of London}
George Colden. Commander}

Smith dt.

William Crafford ffoxes lane in Shadwell in the
County of Middlesex mariner aged 44 yeares or
thereabouts sworne as in the acts of Court
and examined on Interrogatories on the behalfe of the
said company saith as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee this deponent well knew
and was Gunner of the shipp the James interrogated at the time of her
going and proceeding on her last voyage to Ginney, Binney and parts and
places thereabouts, and saith that the said voyage shee went and proceeded
from Ginney to the Barbada's, but the time of her arivall at the
Barbada's hee cannot call to minde, but thinketh that it was about a
twelve moneth after her departure hence, which was in or about March or Aprill
last was two yeeres.

To the second hee saith that after such the said shipps arivall at the Barbada's
there were sugars laden aboard her for the Ginney
Companies accompt by one mr [?Gomes] to be brought to this port for the
said companies accompt, but the quantitie of the said sugars hee remembreth
not, and saith the said sugars were (as hee beleeveth) the proceede of
Negro's brought from Ginney for the said accompt. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith that at such time as the said shipp departed
from Barbada's the said voyage homewards, there were not any goods remayning
aboard her which shee brought from Ginney, Binney and places thereabouts