HCA 13/70 f.329r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.329r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 18th of May 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Wills and Companie and others against}
the Crowned Ox, [?Merinis] Isackson master}


Merinis Isackson of fflushing Mariner, master
of the said shipp the Crowned Ox of fflushing
aged 32 yeares or thereabouts sworne as in the acts
of Court and examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the said Wills and
others saith as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knoweth and is master of
the said shipp the Crowned Ox, which hee saith belongeth to the port
of fflushing, and that Jacob Peterson le [?ffranr]. Susanna Merinis the
widowe of Peter Johnson, Peter Stoffelson, ffrancis Tison, and this deponent
all of fflushing, dutch and subiects of the States of the United Netherland,
and Giles Van Rosebeke, Samuel Pole and Claes Johnson of Middleborough
and Andrew Vander Wille, and the widowe of Captaine ke[?nry] of Tervier, all
alsoe dutch and subiects as aforesaid, were and are her owners, and that
noe ffrench man hath any share or interest therein.

To the second hee saith that the said shipp at the time of her seizure
was laden with wine and tobaccoes and one peece of prunes, namely
an hundred thirtie and one fatts and two tiereces of wine and tenn peeces
of tobaccoe amounting to five tonnes of tobaccoe, all which wines
tobaccoe and peece of prunes were laden aboard her at Bourdeaux,
namely the said wines and peece of prunes by two frenchmen, one
whereof was called de Pin, the name of the other hee remembreth not
but referreth himselfe to the Charter partie seized and taken from him
by Captaine Weare, and the said tobaccoe was laden by a broker
a ffrenchman named Marten Lourdin (or some such name) and this
deponent signed three English bills of lading all of one tenor for the same, and saith
that all the said lading of wines, tobaccoe and prunes, were
consigned to be delivered and should have bin delivered (the fortune
of the sea excepted) at Morlaix in Britany in the dominion of the
ffrench kinge, namely the said wines and prunes to a ffrenchman named
Peter de Pin, but to whom the tobaccoe was to be delivered hee
remembreth not, but who were the reall owners of the said goods
or of any part thereof at the time of the said seizure, hee saith
hee knoweth not, but referreth himsefle therein to his said Charter partie
soe seized and taken from him, as aforesaid for the wine and prunes, and to the said bills for the tobaccoe, And otherwise hee cannot

To the third Interrogatorie and the papers remayneing in Court
and nowe showed unto him, hee saith that the first of the said papers
beginning Monsieur. j'ay recen la vostre et cetera and the third of the
said papers being this deponents passeport from Bourdeaux were aboard
this deponents said shipp at the time of the said seizure, and that hee
had a Charter partie alsoe aboard for the said voyage, which is here
wanting, howbeit hee findeth a true copie thereof entred in the
parchment instrument annexed from Garresen [?But] for the other
two papers, the one beginning a Saint Malo de {XXX} Meert 1655. Saint
dommo de Lozara et cetera and the other being a passeport grannted to
Claes Jacobsen hee saith the same were not aboard his shipp, but
were of some other shipp, and are put with this deponents
papers since the seizure. And that there were noe papers torne hidden
burnt or other wise made away, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
