HCA 13/70 f.227v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 227 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/02 |
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To the 9th hee saith hee thgis rendent can speake spanish and English
but was not at Mallega the time interrate./
To the 4th negatively.
To the 5th negatively; saving this rendent whilest hee was at Mallega
aforesaid in the house of the said ffrancisco Lorenzo de Lara, did then
and there in the said ffrancisco's hands see and peruse a letter or letters
sent from the said ffrancisco's sonne then at Madrid importing that
his said ffather was there condemned to pay the said 2000 duckats upon
the occasion predeposed, notwithstanding that hee had used all possible
endeavour and had twice in person petitioned the king in that behalfe
which not availing, the said ffrancisco by an Order from Madrid was
arrested at Mallega upon the Placa, and then forced in part to pay
five hundred duckats or thereabouts, as hee declared to this deponent the
same evening that hee was so arrested./
The thirteenth day of February 1654:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Arnold Beake and Elias Beake}
and Company for the shipp the Saint John Baptist}
of which John Claesson was Master and the}
goods lately seized in the same by Major Sedgwicke}
and others. Suckley. Budd}
Examined upon an Allegation
exhibited on the behalfe of the
said Arnold Beake and Company
John Claesson of dantzicke Mariner late
Master of the said shipp the Saint John Baptist aged
36. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet:-
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
in the moneth of January in the yeare 1653. arlate, the shipp the
Saint John Baptist arlate, whereof this deponent then was Master
about two moneths or upwards before the Conclusion of a peace
between this Commonwealth and the States of the United Netherlands
sett saile with a Cargoe of goods from the Port of dover upon the
Voiage wherein shee was seized, And saith, That at such time as
the said shipp sett and thence upon the Voiage in Controversie, there
was very great and apparent danger of the seizure of English
Vessells and goods belonging to the English, diverese whereof were
in or about that time seized and confiscated by the dutch under
that nation, Which hee saith was and is publique and notorious amongest
Merchants and Mariners of this Nation, and that hee knoweth the
premisses to be true for that hee went out and continued Master of the
said shipp till the seizure in question which happened upon the
28th of March new style or 18th old style next ensuing after
such her setting forth. And further cannot depose./:-