HCA 13/70 f.218r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 218 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/08 |
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a Wittnes sworne and examined, saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet
To the first and second articles or positions of the said Libell this deponent
saith, hee well knoweth the lilate Timothy ffinn, and to knowe him to be
Master and Commander of the shipp the Roe bucke lilate in the moneths of
June and July last past or thereabouts, in or about which time the said
shipp the Roebucke rideing at an anchor at Blackwell in the river of
Thames, in a place convenient and usuall for shipps to lye in safetie, the
shipp the diamond lilate whereof the lilate William Tobeley was
Commander, comeing up the River of Thames anchored neere to the said
shipp the Roebucke, and the said Roebucke upon the turning of the tide being
un-moored to remove further up in the River, and the said diamond then lyeing
between her and the shoare, they fell fowle one of another by the negligence, as
this deponent beleeveth of the said shipps diamonds Companie, by which meanes
the boltspritt of the said shipp the Roebucke was broken, the reparation
whereof this deponent beleeveth did or might amount to the summe of nyne
or ten pounds sterling, The premisses hee deposeth, for that hee this deponent
at the time of the dammage aforesaid being in and belonging to the shipp
the humphrey of London then at Blackwall and rideing next to the said
shipps Roebucke and diamond saw and tooke notice of the said falling
fowle and dammage thereby occasioned And further cannot depose./
To the third position or article of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth, That
about six weekes after the said dammage [?XXXXridd] hee this deponent
being in Companie with the arlate William Tobeley and Timothy
ffinn at Wapping, heard them discourse concerning the same, and that
then and there in this deponents presence and hearing, the said Tobeley
proffered to give unto the said ffinn fiftie shillings out of his owne
free will, but not in any manner of satisfaction for the dammage aforesaid
And further cannot depose./
To the 4th hee referreth himselfe to the Acts and proceedings of this
Court, And further cannot depose.
To the 5th hee saith the arlate William Tobeley was and is an Englishman a
inhabitant in Wapping, and that both hee ad the said shipp diamonds
Owners were and are all of them as hee beleeveth Subjects of this
Commonwealth and to the Jurisdiction of this Court And further
cannot depose./
Repeated before doctor Clarke/:-
The first day of February .1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Michaell de haze et cetera against the Vessell the}
dove Walter Cable Master Suckley. Smith}
Rp. 4
Roger Bacon of Wapping in the County of
Middlesex Mariner aged 55. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnes sworne and examined as followeth videlicet