HCA 13/70 f.20v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.20v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 6th of November 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the Phenix of Tervier}
Joachim Paulson master.}

[?mr Beke]

Joachim Paulson of Tervier in
Zealand mariner, master of the said shipp
the Phenix aged 58 yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the right worshipfull William
Clerke doctor of lawes one of the Judges of
the high Court of the Admiraltie and
examined upon Interrogatories.

To the first 2. 3. 4 and 5 Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp
the Phenix belongeth to the port of Tervier in Zealand and that her owners
dwell all there and are all dutchmen and subiects of the States of the
United Netherlands, namely Adrian dur[?XXXX]. John Keene, Car[?XXXs] de
[?hanse] and this deponent and others and saith the said shipp being ar Rochell
was in or about the beginning of September last freighted at Rochell to goe
to Bruage in ffrance and there tooke in her lading of salt, which shee did
accordingly, and was there laden with salt by one monsieur Avi[?ce] a
ffrenchman to be thence carried and transported to haver de Grace and there
to be delivered for accompt of the ffrench Companie for whose accompt
the said shipp was freighted for that voyage, and that upon delivereie
at haver de Grace hee was there to receive freight after the rate
of 34 livers Tournois per last of his said lading of salt which consisted
at the time of the seizure of 125 lasts, And saith hee had noe papers
or writings aboard at the time of the seizure, saving his seabrief from
Terviewer and a colourable charter partie, which was made by the lader
to colour his lading as if it were belonging to dutch, but his true Charter
partie was left with the lader to be sent over land to haver de Grace,
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving his seabrief is still aboard.

To the 6. 7. 8. 9. and 10th hee saith hee had 5 guns, eight muskets, eight
swords, 4 pistolls, and 4 barrells of powder, a sute of sailes and
two more topsailes, foure [?calles]. and 5 Anchors, and provisions of
victualls for his company being 10 eaters, for three monethes, and saith
hee was constituted master by the said owners, and hath bin master of her
two yeares and came first aboard her at Amsterdam, And otherwise
hee cannot depose, saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth

To the 11 and 12 negatively.

To the 13th hee saith hee had noe boatswaines or Pursers booke.

To the 14th and the examination and paper annexed showed unto him
hee saith the said examination is the truth and subscribed by him, and
that the paper thereto annexed is the foresaid colourable

Jocham Poulisson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 6th of Nov: 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

Against the Sawier aforesaid.}

Examined upon the saud Interrogatoryes.


Peter Peterson of Ryp in holland mariner
steersman of the sayd shipp the Sawyer aged
thirty six yeare or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5th Interrogatories he saith the sayd shipp the Sawyer
belongeth to the Port of Ametrdam and so hath done ever since