HCA 13/70 f.20r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.20r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 6th of November 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the}
Rogge Bloem or Rie Blossome of delfs}
haven, Isbrand Michelson, master.}



Isbrand Michelson of delfs haven Mariner
master of the said shipp the Rie Blossome, aged
29 yeares or thereabouts, sworne before the right
worshipfull the Judges of the Admiraltie and
examined upon certaine Interrogatories saith and
deposeth as followeth.

To the first second third fourth and fifth Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
the said shipp the Rie Blossome belongeth to the port of delfs haven in
holland,a nd that her owners dwell all there and at Rotterdam and are all
dutchmen and subiects of the States of the United Netherlands, namely
Adrian Bonus, Garret GroonRish, Adrian Barckel and others, and
that noe ffrench man or subiect of the ffrench kinge hath any interest therein. And
saith the said shipp being freighted for accompt of a ffrench Companie, named
the Grand Partie, tooke in her lading of salt at Bruage in ffrance, where
the same was laden by one mr Avise a ffrench man, agent for the said companie
to be transported to haver de Grace and there to be delivered for the accompt of
the said companie, ffrenchmen, and there this deponent was to receive his
fraight after the rate of 34 gilders per last of the said salt, which consisted
at the time of the seizure in 130 lasts or thereabouts, which hee knoweth being
themaster, whith whom the contract was made, And saith that at the time
of the said seizure, the said shipp was in her course from Bruage to
haver de Grace. And saith hee had his seabriefe aboard at
the time of the seizure, and noe other papers, his Charter partie for the
said voyage being sent over land to haver de Grace And otherwise hee
cannot depose, saving that hee was constituted master by the said owners.

To the 6 and 7 hee saith hee had 6 greate [?peeces], 10 muskets, and a birdinge peace
300 lb powder, two sutes of sailes, foure cables, five anchors small and
greate, and at the time of the seizure provision of victualls for his commpanie
(being 13 eaters) for two monethes. And otherwise cannot depose saving as aforesaid

To the 8th hee saith the said ffrenchman that laded the said shipp caused him
to signe two Charter parties one for haver de Grace (which was the true
one and which was left with him to be sent over land) and one for Rotterdam
which for Rotterdam was colourable and to avoide the English seizure, but this
deponent made noe use thereof in that way, but upon his boarding
confessed the truth.

To the 9th and 10th hee saith that hee was to delliver the said salt at
haver de Grace to Anthony da Ga[?mmot] factor there for the said Companie
And that this deponent hath bin master of the said shipp five yeares and
upwards, and came first aboard her at Amsterdam, And otherwise hee
referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To 11th negatively.

To the 12th negatively.

To the 13 hee saith hee had noe booke kept of his lading, and otherwise hee
refereth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the 14 and his exmamination nowe showne unto him taken aboard the
Vice Admirall dated 19 September last hee saith the same containeth
the truth and is subscribed by him

Repeated before doctor Clarke.