HCA 13/70 f.190v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.190v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 28th day of december 1654:-

An affidavit made by Robert ffoard of Ipswich}
in the County of Suffolke Mariner and Joseph ffoard}
of the same Mariner touching certaine anchors and}
tackle belonging to a certaine hoye called the}
Richard of Ipswich cast awaye neere a place}
called the Shoe}

Robert fford and Jospeh fforde aforesayd sworne the day
above sayd before the right Worshipful William Clarke
doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of
Admiralty ioyntly saye and depose as followeth videlicet./

That in the moneth of March 1653 and upon or about the twenty fowerth day of the
same moneth the sayd hoye the Richard of Ipswich was by stresse of weather cast
awaye neere a certaine place called the Shoe And they saye that on the sayd 24th of March
1653 Austin Peshley of Barking in Essex ffisherman did neere the sayd place
cakked the Shoe upon the sayd 24th of March take up and save a smale Anchor
weighing an hundred pounds weight or thereabouts and a broken Maste a peece of an
old cable with some peeces of Rigging, Ropes and one smale foresayle all belonging
to the sayd hoye which sayd Anchor broken Master a peece of a cable Rigging Ropes and
foresayle were by William hudson and John Chesley and others appraised and valued
at 5 li sterling And they alsoe saye and depose that upon the fifth day of Aprill one
thousand sixe hunded fiftie fower Valentine hutsen and William Townsend
of Barking aforesayd ffishermen did neere the sayd place called the shoe take up
and save an Anchor weighing five hundred pounds weight or thereabouts and two
other smale Anchors and a peece of an old Cable all belonging to the sayd hoye the
Richard of Ipswich save the sayd great Anchor which belonged to one Robert [?Barnes] of Ipswich and was taken into the
sayd hoye at Ipswich to be carried to London for the sayd Barnes upon freight which biggest Anchor was by William hutson [?XXXX] and William
Perry praised at 5 li - 10 s sterling and the two smale Anchors and peece of Cable aforesayd
were by them the sayd hutson and Perry praised at 2 li - 10 s sterling And the sayd
Joseph ffoard for his part saith that at the tyme the sayd hoye was soe cast awaye
as aforesayd hee was Master of the sayd hoye and constitutred Master of her by
the Owners of her videlicet the foresayd Robert ffoard, one daniell B[?orole] one Thomas
Scott and one Robert Cleydon and that all the forementioned things taken up and
saved by Austin Peshley Valentine Hutson, and William Townsend doe belonge
unto and are the proper goods of the foresayd Owners except the sayde great Anchor taken to be carried to London for the sayd Barnes upon freight And the sayd Robert fforde
alsoe saith that the same doe all of them except before excepted belonge to the owners aforesayd whereof
hee the sayd Robert ffoard is one and was and is owner of three eight parts of all
the premisses taken up and saved as aforesayd/

Repeated before doctor Clarke:-/

the marke
Robert RF ffoard [MARKE, RH SIDE]
Joseph fford [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 28th day of december 1654/ [CENTRE HEADING]

The clayme of Evert Gisling and company Owners}
of the Elizabeth of fflushen (sic) for demorage for the}
lying of the sayd shipp since her seizure}
Suckley Budd}

Examined upon an Allegation apud acta/

John Noose of fflushing in Zealand mariner
Master of the shipp the Elizabeth aforesayd aged
thirty seaven yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent was Master of the shipp
Elizabeth during the voyage now in Controversie And thereby well knowet
that the ffreighters who hyred the sayd shipp Elizabeth the voyage now in Contro=
versie did agree with this deponent that the sayd shipp should staye thirty
dayes and noe longer for the receiving in of her goods at Bayon in ffrance
and unladeing them at haverdegrace and that if the sayd shipp should be
stayed at the sayd places longer then the sayd thirty dayes then the sayd