HCA 13/70 f.186r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 186 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/31 | |
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Edited on 19/03/2018 by Colin Greenstreet |
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hath been made to the said William Startute for the goods aforesaid, neither
doeth hee knowe of any satisfaction or assurance given or made to any
other person or persons upon the termes interrate:-
To the last hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./
Repeated in Court./
Robert Westron [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 16th day of december 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]
ffrederick Chowne and others against}
Keate Jennings, hughes}
Examined upon the said Allegation./
Robert Western of Martins Ironmonger lane London
Merchant aged 41. or thereabouts a Wittnesse
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet:-
To the 37th Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That in
and about the moneths of January and ffebruary in the yeare 1652:-
arlate, and from that time till about the end of the yeare 1653 last
past Ciprus Cotton woolls were usually sold here in London sometimes
at the rate of 15 d per pound, sometimes at the rate of 16 d and sometimes at
the rate of eighteene pence per pound, and saith that the rate and price
of that Commoditie here in London for all the time predeposed was 15 d per pound
at the least, The premisses this deponent well knoweth to be true, for that
hee this deponent being a Merchant who dealeth much in that sort of Commoditie
did within the time predeposed see and observe that the prices of Ciprus
Cotton woolls then Currant amongst Merchants here were ad by
him isa predeposed, and so much this deponent would then willingly have payd for
the same, but could not in that time obtaine any quantitie thereof, in regard of
the scarcitie of that commoditie then in London, by reason of the stoppage
of navigation, wherby the price thereof at that time came to be very much
enhanced, as was then publique and notorious amongst Merchants dealing in that
sort of Merchandize. And further cannot depose./
To the 39th hee saith, That since the moneth of July and August in
this present yeare 1654. and to this present the Currant price of
Ciprus Cotton woolls here at London hath amongst Merchants bin and
is sometimes at 10 d and sometimes at 11 d per pound, and not more, this deponent
within the time predeposed having himself bought some quantities of that
Commodity at the different rates by him now exprssed. And so much hee
saith is publique and notorious amongst Merchants dealing in that Merchandize.
And further cannot depose:-
To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent
To the Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]
To the 2. hee saith hee hath never been at either of the places interrate
and knoweth nothing of the difference of the weights interrate, And saith
hee doeth in Conscience beleeve that Cottons being a spungy and attractive