HCA 13/70 f.166v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.166v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


this deponent then being Boateswaine of and aboard the said shipp And
further cannot depose

necholes moor [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day Examined upon the said Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]


Edmund Thorne of the parrish of Saint Buttolphs
Billinsgate in London Mariner late Gunner of the same
shipp the hannah aged 52. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnes sworne [?as] aforesaid, and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet:

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this examinate well knoweth the
interrate John Parker a Merchant of London, and hath so knowne him for
about 2. yeares last past, and saith that in the moneths of June July
August and September last past the said John Parker was an Owner and
Proprietor of one 4th part of the shipp the hannah interrate and of her tackle and
furniture, and for and as such was commonly accompted reputed and
taken. Which hee this examinate knoweth being as aforesaid Gunner of
the said shipp during the Voyage wherein shee perished as hereafter followed
and before her said Voyage, this examinate by direction of Thomas Tyman
Master of the said Vessell received part of his wages from the said John Parker
in the quality of Owner as aforesaid for her then intended designe; And
saith That to the best of this deponents Judgement (who hath used Navigation
for theise 26. or 27. yeares last past) the said 4th part of the said Vessell her tackle abd furniture
within the time predeposed, was [?richly] and really worth three hundred
and fiftie pounds sterling And further hee cannot depose./:-

To the 2d Interrogatorie hee saith, That in or about the moneths of August
and September last past the said shipp the hannah tooke in her ladeing
of Salt and some oyles at Lisbone and Pharo in Portugall, and that
this examinate both at Lisbone and Pharo aforesayd understood from the
factors of the said John Parker there residing, that hee the said John
Parker was a principall Owner and Proprietor of the said ladeing of
salt, and saith this deponent then and there observed about 15. or 16. butts of
oyle (as hee now remembreth the number) which were last laden and receaved
aboard the said shipp at Pharo, and were, (as his precontest the
Boateswaine whose office it was to take notice of the same) then told this
deponent and Companie who helped to stow the same) for the accompt of the
said John Parker, And saith, That in this deponents Judgement and as hee
is in Conscience convinced, the interest which the said John Parker had
in the said lading of salt and oyles aforesaid did amount to two
hundred pounds sterling at the least. hee further saith, That the
said shipp and ladeing being in their Course from Pharo aforesaid towards
London were upon or about the 10th day of October last, about