HCA 13/70 f.157r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.157r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and Cyprus, And for and as Partners and in Consortshipp togeather they
were and are commonly reputed and esteemed, And what is done in that
Consortshipp by any of them was and is held and accompted as
done by and approved by them all, The premisses hee knoweth being Purser
in the Voyage in question, and by publique and common report amongst
Merchants and others. And further hee cannot depose./

To the 22th hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Crosse Interrogatories exhinbited the 14th of december 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was Purser of the shipp Thomas Bonadventure
during the voyage in question, and so continued till the goods interrate were unladen
at Porta fferara, and saith hee hath received his full wages for his said service from
the said George hughes at Porta fferrara, And saith hee well knoweth that the
Companies of the shipps Mary Rose and William and Thomas and Thomas
Bonadventure were there also payd their full wages out of such impresst moneys, as
were paid unto the Masters and Commanders of the said respective shipps, by
Captaine Bodiloe upon occasion of the service of this Commonwealth, into which they
were taken. And so much this deponent by familiar Conversation at Porta fferara
with the said Masters and Mariners understood from them, and particularly this deponent
payd the Companie of the said shipp Thomas Bonadventure, and forasmuch as
they were designed to goe upon a Warlike imployment againt the dutch, this rendent
by their consent and order, detained part of some of their wages, and remitted
the same by bills of exchange since paid to them or their respective Orders at
London. And further cannot depose./

To the second hee saith, That hee this examinate well knoweth, that the interrate
George hughes after the discharge of the said goods at Porta fferara cpmmenced
a suite in law at Legorne against the interrate Norleigh and Constable his partner
for and concerning the freight due for the said goods, and that the said Norleigh
and Constable did likewise there proceed in law against the said George hughes, to
divert and hinder his putting of the goods in question into the hands of [?deputes].
which hee saith upon the refusall of payment of freight is the usuall way observed
in that country, And beleeveth that the said Norleigh did expend some moneys
in that buisines but how much hee knoweth not. And further cannot depose./

To the third hee saith, That hee this rendent did not at all serve aboard the said
shipp the Thomas Bonadventure in the service interrate, and saith that hee had 30. s per
moneth for his service in the Voyage in Controversy, And saith That according to
promise made by Mr Longland Agent for this Commonwealth at Legorne, and
by the said Captaine Badiley the said shipp Thomas Bonadventure was to be
paid proportionably to her rate and number of men, as other shipps taken
up in England for that service were to be payd for the same And further hee
cannot depose./

To the 4th hee saith hee this rendent was at Porto Lomgone interrate, when it
was blocked up by the dutch in the yeare 1652. but for the time that the
dutch withdrew from that place this deponent doeth not exactly remember,