HCA 13/70 f.14r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 14 |
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Uploaded imgae; transcribed on 22/08/2014 | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/22 |
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On the behalfe of Elizabeth Pett against}
the shipp William and George}
Captaine Allen Commander}
Nathaniel London of the parish of Stepney in
the County of Middlesex shipp=carpenter aged
23 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth
To the 1. 2. 3. and 4th articles of the sayd Libell This deponent saith
that he knew well the arlate shipp the William and George whereof
the arlate Allen was Commander, and that in the yeare 1651. sge
was in great need of repair, and the sayd Allen did employ Carpenters
and others to repaire her who had their stuffe and materialls f and
from Peter Pett the plaintiffs late husband whose Apprentice this
deponent then was. And the sayd Peter Pett then was the Owner
of all and singular the goods and materialls mentioned in the schedule
to the sayd allegation of Libell annexed and now shewne to and perused by him
And that he the sayd Pett did furnish the sayd Allen with the sayd
materialls and use of the Imployments in the sayd schedule mentioned
and that the sayd Materialls were delivered on board the sayd shipp and
most of them wrought and incorporated into her, and that they then were of the
respective values in the sayd schedule mentioned amounting in all
to twenty eight pounds three shillings and a penny, which hee depo=
seth for that he saw the sayd goods delivered and the sayd shipp
repaired therewith and knoweth that the values schedulat were
then the usuall prices for such like goods, And saith the sayd
moneyes were not payd to the sayd Mr Pett in his life tyme but
are still due to his widdow and exeutrix the plaintiff in this cause.
And further he cannot depose.
To the 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. and 12rh articles of the sayd Libell he saith
that the sayd Mrs Pett is executrix to her sayd husband and so accounted
and this deponent hath severall tymes demanded payment of
the sayd moneyes of and from the sayd Allen, and he hath promised
to pay the same but hither to hath not made payment thereof. And
further referring himselfe to the law and to the Acts of this Court
he cannot depose saving that the sayd Allen and Owners of
the sayd shipp are subiects of this Commonwealth and so accounted and
that he this deponent demanded payment of the sayd money of the sayd
Allen in the name and to the use of the sayd Peter Pett in his life
tyme. And since his death hath made like demand thereof in
the name and to the use of the Plaintiff of and from Mr Horth
one of the reputed Owners of the sayd shipp, but he hath not yet payd
the same.