HCA 13/70 f.147v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.147v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And saith That at the time of such their seizure, the said shipps were [?XXX]
stood all of them in their direct Course to passe through the English Channell
for Ostend or dunquirke, and so much this deponent saith, That hee this deponent and the
said Otto George and Christian Cloppenburgh gad agreed and concluded [?XXX]
before and at the time of their said departure from Cadiz. The premisses hee
declareth upon the grounds and reasons predeposed And further cannot depose.

To the 12th hee saith, That hee well knoweth the shipp the [?Mercurie]
arlate (whereof the arlate hans Yonger was Master) and saith, That in
this deponents sight the said shipp did depart from Cadiz in or about the
moneth of September 1652. arlate, being a full moneth or thereabouts before
the said shipps Sampson Salvadore and Saint George departed thence upon the
Voyage in question, And saith that the said shipp Mercurie after such
her departure did not at all meet with or come in sight of this deponents [?shipp]
of the Sampson or Salvador in their said passage from Cadizinto the
English Channell, nor was shee separated from them by ill weather,
nor indeed did any ill or tempestuous weather happen in their said passage
whereby to be separated from her in case shee had been in Companie with [?them]
The premisses hee knoweth being Master of and aboard the said shipp Saint George during
the said Voiage or passage, and seeing as aforesaid the departure of the said shipp
Mercury. And further cannot depose:-/

To the 13th hee saith, That hee this deponent came to Cadiz from [?Maiorca]
in or about the moneth of July 1652. the arlate shipp the Goulden Sun
(whereof Peter Tam was Master) being then departed from thence towards
Ostend, so that this deponent did not see her departure, but was credibly informed
there that shee was not long before gone thence, and saith That about 9 [?monethes] after such
this deponents arrivall at Cadiz, the Spanish plate fleet arrived there from
the West Indies in this deponents sight, and this deponent for that reason beleeveth [?not]
that the said Peter Tam did upon that Voyage carry any upon
particular Merchants adventures with him, silver about that time being
extraordianary scarce at Cadiz, by reason of the said Plate fleets attardement
And saith, That whilest this deponent in that yeare still remained at Cadiz
hee there understood by letters of advise from Ostend, that the said shipp the
Goulden Sunn was there safely arrived, And after this deponents departure from
Cadiz upon the Voyage in question wherein his said shipp the Saint George was
seized as aforesaid, this deponent was informed that the said shipp the Goulden
Sunn was pressed into the service of the king of Spaine, and did then
for severall moneths after remaine in the said service under the ffort of
dunquirke, and during the time of such her restraint in that service this
deponent sent some letters to the said Peter Tam then remaining at dunquirke
for and concerning the payment of some monies due by the said Tam to the