HCA 13/70 f.147r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.147r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


among Merchants Mariners Masters of shipps and others both
aboard and on shoare at Cadiz ever heare or observe any common voyce report or
fame there, that the said shipp the Sampson did in part or in whole belonge
to Amsterdam, or was bound or designed thither upon the Voyage in question.
But on the contrary the common report was, that the said shipp Sampson should
saile from thence in Company with this deponents shipp the Saint George and
theSalvador then also rideing there for Ostend or dunquirke in fflanders
And further hee cannot depose./

To the 9th article hee saith and deposeth, That of this deponents observation
during his being upon occasions severall times at Amsterdam, the arlate Peter Eleson
aforesaid was esteemed a person of a verie meane and low ranke and
condition, and very incapable in all probabilitie to be a part Owner of such a shipp
of so great importance as the said shipp Sampson was and is, being a shipp
of about five hundred Tunns, and constantly employed upon very great and
condisderable Merchandizing Voyages, as this deponent hath seene and well onbserved in
Spaine, And saith That the aforesaid Vincent van Campen, ffrederick
Bev[?in] and John de Windt Merchants of great qualitie in Cadiz well
knowne to this deponent and other Merchants residing at Sevill in Spaine, (who were and
are generally esteemed the true Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp Sampson)
were and are persons observed to take no meane or poore persons to have any
part or share in thei shipp or tradeing. And so much hee saith is notorious
and as he beleeveth very well knowne to all Merchants and Masters of
shipps tradeing or saleing to Cadiz, and having or holdeing Commerce or
Correspondence with the said Merchants. And further hee cannot depose

To the 10th article hee saith, This deponent during the Voyage in question, and for
all the time predeposed of the said shipp Sampsons remaining at Cadiz, or till
the time of her seizure by the English or since, hath never heard or understood
that there was any Trumpeter belonging to the sais shipp, or entertained by the
said Otto George to serve in or aboard the same, And if any such had been
this deponent beleeveth hee should have heard of him, being so long togeather in
Company with the said shipp Sampson. and severall times been and been entertained and feasted
aboard the shipp the Sampson, during such her abode in the bay of Cadiz. And
further cannot depose./:-

To the 11. article, hee saith, That the said shipp the Sampson in Companie with
the shipp the Saint George, (this deponent Master) and the Salvador (Christian Cloppen=
burgh Master) sett saile and departed togeather from Cadiz upon their intended Voyage
towards Ostend or dunquirke, about the 11. 12. or 15th day of October 1652 (,the
precise day this deponent now remembreth not) and so continued in Company in
their said passahe from Cadiz, till they came into that part of the English Channell, neere
unto which they were all seized, about 20. daies after their departure from Cadiz