HCA 13/70 f.12v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.12v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


silke stockins and some moneys for accompt (as this deponent att
the lading thereof was credibly informed as as he beleiveth
of the sayd Mr Andrewes and yoo. And saith the sayd yoo
came himselfe in the Unity from Charles towne to Bilboa
where he did lade the sayd goods for the accompt aforesayd
and consigned the same to Mr GGard of ffyall one of
the westerne Islands whither the sayd shipp was bound this
her last voyage And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving
that Thomas Browne interrate was Master of the sayd shipp the voyage in question

To the third hee saith that the sayd shipp departed from Bilboa
about the beginning of ffebruary 1653 last past English
stile and proceeded upon her voyage and being come
neere two leagues and a half of Terrara was mett with
and after a sharpe fight (wherein this deponentw as wounded
with a musket bullet whereby he hath lost the use of his
arme) was subdued and taken by a Sally man of warr
and after the seizure this deponent and mates being thirtee[?ne GUTTER]
persons were taken into the sayd Mann of warr, and about
thirty or forty Moores belonging to the sayd man of warr were
putt into the Unity to carry her for Sally. And this deponent
and his sayd mates were carryed to Sally where he this Exami=
nate was a slave for five monethes; And the Unity and
Moores in the same (all saving about five that gott to Sally)
were as the common repute was, cast away neere Santa Cruz.
And saith the sayd Mr Andrewes and yoo receyved great
losse and dammage by meanes of the sayd seizure and
have had noe satisfaction for the same so farr as this
deponent knoweth beleiveth or hath heard. And further
or otherwise he cannot depose.

William M Morris
his marke [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The one and twentyeth day of November

On the behalfe of Elizabeth Pett}
against the shipp the Ruth.}

Examined upon Crosse Interrogatories given
in by Mr Suckleys Clients.

The sayd William Hayward examined upon the
sayd Elizabeth Petts Libell. 6th March 1653. lib.
8. Quire B.4. and now examined upon the sayd
Interrogatories saith as followeth, videlicet.
