HCA 13/70 f.124v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.124v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and one of the sayd three bills was on board att the tyme of
seizure and delivered att Plymouth as aforesayd. And
further he cannot depose otherwise than negatively.

To the nynth and tenth he referreth to his foregoeing deposition,
and further cannot depose, saving that he first came aboard att

To the 11th negativelty

To the 12th he saith he signed a bill of lading for all the
goods on board saving his owne and Companies all
above mentioned.

To the 13th he saith he had a booke on board for his owne
private accompts, but there was noe Boatswaynes or Pursers
booke or other writing for the sayd goods on board other
than what is above sett forth

To the 14th and papers now shewne him he saith he was examined att
Plymouth touching the lading now in question, and that the first page of
the schedule under the seale of Plymouth was and is his originall examination
and is firmed with his hand and the Contents thereof are true and
that the two papers thereto annexed one whereof is a bill of lading
and the other a letter were on board him att the tyme of seizure
And further he cannot depose/

Jan Claussen Moy [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The sixth day of November .1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of his Highnes the Lord}
Protector against the shipp the Watching}
Crane whereof John Baggart is}
Master and the goods in the same}

Examined upon Certayne Interrogatories on the
behalfe of his Highnes the Lord Protector


John Baggart of fflushing in Zealand
Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Watching
Crane aged seven and thirty yeares a
witnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first second third fourth and fifth Interrogatories this
deponent saith that the sayd shipp the Watching Crane did and
doth belong to fflushing aforesayd where all her owners live being
Natives and Burgers of that State and subiects to the States Gene=
rall, and are by name Glyn Ollast, Isaac Leivens, [?Joseph]
van don Bussen Gillys Rumburch and this deponent, And that the
sayd shipp tooke in her lading now in question being two hundred
forty eight moy and six bushells of salt attt Brouaye in ffrance
where the same was laden by a merchant whose name hee knoweth
not a factor for the Grand party of ffrance to be transported for [?XXX]
(and to their Accompt as he conceyveth) for Haver de Grace where [?XXX]
of their factors was to receyve the same. And saith [?there ?were] signed
two Charterpartyes for the sayd salt both of which he had on board
his shipp, and one of them being the true and reall Charterparty