HCA 13/70 f.117r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 117 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/10 |
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valew thereof was necessarily expended in Virginia. And further hee
cannot depose./
To the 7th article of the said Allegation, hee saith, hee beleeveth the said Owners
did besides the thirtie pound or thereabouts by him predeposed of suffer
some dammadge by reason of the retardation of the Voyage, especially for
that being at Virginia, about the procuring of a new boltspritt there
they were hindred about two daies, but the valew of the dammage or losse
so susteyned, this deponent saith hee cannot estimate the same. And further
hee cannot depose:-/
To the 8th hee saith, hee hath oftentimes Credibly heard, that reparation hath
bin demanded of the said William White by or on the behalfe of the
said Cranley and Companie for the dammadges sustained as aforesaid, but
hath bin and is refused by one said White, and otherwise referring himselfe
to the Acts of this Court hee saith hee cannot further depose:-/
To the last hee saith, his foregoeing deposition is true./
the marke of
Alexander [MARKE] Cocke:-/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The same day Examined upon the said Allegation [CENTRE HEADING]
Rp. 2us:/
Thomas Wills of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney
and County of Middlesex mariner Boateswaine of the
said shipp the Margarett aged 44. yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet
To the first second third and fourth articles of the said Allegation hee saith
and deposeth, That hee this deponent hath well knowne and particularly belong[?eth GUTTER]
to the shipp the Margaret allate as Boateswaine of her for about two
yeares last past, and saith, That for all that time and to this present the
arlate Benjamin Crandley Arthur Bayley and Companie were and
are generally knowne and observed to be the true and lawfull Owners and
Proprietors of the said shipp the Margaret and of her tackle apparrell and
furniture; which said shipp in or about the moneth of October 1653. last
past being newly graved and hauled off from the waighe of Mr Tailor the
shippwright neare Wapping staires was by and with the assistence of
this deponent very well and sufficiently fastned and moored to a certaine
Vessell then rideing there called the Sea horse, and continued so moored
and fastned and rideing cleare and free from all other shipps for divers
dayes togeather as was then very well knowne and observed by severall
Seamen Mariners and others, And saith, That after the said shipp the
Margaret had so ridd as aforesaid for the space of about 14: daies