HCA 13/70 f.112v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.112v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And by reason of the sayd dammage were sold att 36. s per hundred.
22 li ffor dammage in 19 Chests of Brimstone refined being
wetted .20. li for dammahe in the loose brimstone. 60 li ffor
Charges in saving the tackle and loose things in the shipp. 15. li
ffor Charges in taking out the sayd loose brimstone. 15. li. And
he lastly saith that he hath deposed the premisses for that he was
Purser of the sayd shipp and was in and aboard her during
the sayd voyage and saw the sayd dammages happen as aforesaid and
hath deposed of the particular valewes thereof by the judgment
of skillfull persons who veiwed the sayd goods and expended the
moneyes for their preservation, and according as he verily doth
beleive the valewes of the sayd dammages to have bene. And further
deposeth bot.


Simon Bonicelli [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The twentyeth day of Novem,ber .1654


Francisco de Venetia borne att Venice and Inhabiting
there aged twenty four yeares or thereabouts sworne
before the right worshipfull William Clerke doctor
of Lawes - one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiralty of England and examined by the sayd Interpreter
touching his knowledge of the dammage that befell the
sayd ship Angela Custode and her lading sayth as

That he knoweth well the shipp Angelo Custoda whereof his precontests
Stephen Romanello was Caotaine and Commander and was Cooke
of in and aboard her this her last voyage which was made from
Venice about Easter last with a lading of Annis seeds rice Almonds
Currants, and bromstone for accompt of merchants of Venice
to be carryed to hamburgh, and that in her passage thither
for want of flesh fish water and other food and necessaries the
sayd shipp was forced to come and stay in the duines to make her
necessary provision of victualls, and that in the moneth of August
last while she lay in the downes a great storme happened att sea
which forced a fflemish vessell in the night upon the Angelo
Custode which broke her head and bowspritt with the yards sayles
and tackle thereof so as they were lost in the sea. And in the
next morning the sayd storme still continuing drove another
great fflemish vessell on board the Angelo Custode so as her
Cables were of necessity to be cutt to preserve her being ready
to be overborne and sinke by reason of the sayd fflemish shipp
that lay heavy upon her quarters, and made her to take in
a great deale of water. And that afterwards the sayd storme
forced another fflemish vessell upon her that broke her side
so as there was then little hope of saving her; howbeit the