HCA 13/70 f.109v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 109 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/08/26 |
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Martha in the dutch vessell were two butts of beere two butts
of bread, about eighteene couple of ffish, twenty or thirty peices
of pork and beife. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 3d he saith that after the said dutch vessell and Martha were
mett as aforesaid they continued together four howres, visiting each
the other and making the sayd exchange: And saith he did
well understand (and so did the sayd Pibus and the rest of his Company
as he beleiveth) by the Discorse of the master and Company
of the said dutch vessell that she the sayd vessel was bound
to Amsterdam. And further or other wise he cannot depose.
To the 4th he saith the sayd Pibus did att Greenland deliver the sayd
anchor to Mr Noose of hull master of the Globe of Hull
and further saving his foregoeing depositions whereto
he referreth himselfe, hee saith he cannot depose
Repeated with his precontest
before Doctor Clarke and
Doctor Godolphin.
Edward [MARKE] compar [MARKE, RH SIDE]
his marke
The twentyath day of November
anno. .1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
A Busines of Examination of witnesses}
touching some losse and dammage occasioned}
by reason of a tempest and storme happening to}
the shipps Angelo Custode whereof}
was Captaine Stephen Romanello of}
Venice after the Arrivall of the}
sayd ships in the downes on or about}
the [?18 or 19] of August 1654, now last}
Captaine Stephen Romanello Inhabitant
of the City of Venice Captaine and
Commander of the sayd shipp Angelo
Custode aged thirty yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined before the right
worshipfull William Clarke Doctor of
Lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiralty of England saith and deposeth by
vertue of his Oath as followeth, being so examined
by the interpretation of Isaac Hercules understanding
and speaking the Italian and English tongues and
sworne before the sayd Judge faithfully to interpret
The sayd Stephen Romanello saith and deposeth that he departed
with the sayd shipp Angelo Custode as Captaine and Commander of
her in the moneth of Aprill last past from the Citty and Port of
Venice, And that the sayd shipp was laden with Cargazon of goods
consisting of Rice, Anniseeds, Almonds Currants and [?XXX GUTTER]
to be transported to hamburgh and there delivered for the accompt
of certayne merchants of Venice ffraighters of the sayd shipp