HCA 13/70 f.102v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 102 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/23 |
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The 9th of September 1654./ [CENTRE HEADING]
dorvill and Company against}
Tresaure Suckely Smith}
Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Tresaur
Rp. EA.
David Cant of Yarmouth in the County of
Norfolke Mariner aged 60 yeares or thereabouts
a witnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet
To the first article hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of this
Court and further cannot depose/
To the second article hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the third article hee saith hee cannot depose being not aboard the Venter at
the acting of any of the things conteyned in this article./
To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that
the arlate John Tresaur did bringe into the Roade of Yarmouth the arlate
Shipp called the dope, which shipp as hee hath heard the sayd Tresaure had taken
as prize from certayne dutch men, and intended to carry her and her
lading to London there to be tryed whether shee were prize or noe, and hee beleeveth
the reason of his soe putting into Yarmouth Roade was for that hee was not willing
nor thought it fitt to venter him selfe and the sayd shipp to London without a
Pilot, and saith that thereupon the sayd Tresaure did cast Anchor with the sayd
Shipp dope in Yarmouth Roade and sent the arlate Tobias Barnes one
of his the sayd Tresaures Company on shoare to bring a Pylott to carry
the sayd shipp for London and saith the sayd Tobias Barnes coming on shoare
there presently sent to this deponent, having bin formerly acquainted with him
and this deponent did presently within lesse then two howers goe with the sayd barnes
on board the sayd shipp dope in the Roade of Yarmouth and this deponent knoweth
that only the sayd Barnes came on shoare at Yarmouth for that the sayd Barnes
was brought ashoare by the fferryboate of Yarmouth by reason neither
the shipp dope nor the shipp the Venter had then any boate belonging to them, and this
deponent returned aboard the dope with the sayd Barnes only, in the sayd fferry
boate, and knoweth that noe other of the Company of the sayd shipps dope and Venter
did afterwards come on board them, but they were all on board the sayd Shippps
togeather with a dutch man the master (as was sayd) of the Dope And further
saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./
To the 7th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being the arlate david Cant having for these five or sixe and twenty yeares
last past constantly sayled up and downe betweene London and Yarmouth and
other places thereabouts, is very well acquainted and experienced in that
passage and hath within the sayd tyme piloted many shipps from Yarmouth
to London and brought them thither in safety And further to this article
hee cannot depose./
To the 8th article hee saith that hee this deponent (being the arlate
David Cant) at the tyme of his coming on board the shipp dope arlate
did not knowe nor heare any publique report or speech in Yarmouth that the
peace betwixt England and holland was concluded neither did he saye anything
to that effect then to the arlate John Tresaure or any of his Company nor saye
that they were to take noe more shipps or goods after the 4th of May And
further hee cannot depose./