HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.8v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.8v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 15:th day of October. 1653:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of John Smeesters Merchant of}
Antwerp for two baggs containing six hundred}
peices of eight in the shipp the White Angell}
John Lewison de Vischer Master Smith. Budd}

Examined upon an Allegation given on the
behalfe of the said John Smeesters/


John Vervoort of Antwerpe in
Brabant Cashier and Booke keeper to the said
John Smeesters aged 25. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee deposeth
That in the moneths and yeares arlate videlicet in the moneth of
March 1652. and in the moneths of March and Aprill 1653 old style all or
some of them the producent John Smeesters arlate was, and at the present
is and ought to be the true lawfull and sole Owner and Proprietor of
six hundred peeces of eight contained in two baggs marked as in the
Margent, and for such was and is commonly accompted. Which said
peeces of eight in the baggs marked as aforesaid, the factor of the said producent
videlicet Gerard Riper of Cadiz in Spaine, in or about the moneth of
Aprill last past, by order and for the accompt of the said producent did lade
or cause to be laden and put on board the shipp the White Angell then
being at or neare Cadiz in Spaine to be transported from thence to
dunquirke and there to be delivered to the said producent or to his factor
or Agent there for his use and accompt:- The premisses this deponent
knoweth for the reasons hereafter expressed, And otherwise cannot