HCA 13/69 Silver 12 f.2r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 12 f.2r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2 article of the said allegation This deponent saith that for these seven
years now last past the foresayd producents have and doe att present
drive a great trade in merchandizing betwixed fflanders England
and Cadiz and St Lucar in Spayne and have their Agents and
Correspondents in those places, and have within the tyme aforesaid sent
severall great quantities of goods and merchandizes of English
Manufactures by their Correspondent here in London Mr James
Stanier of great value to their factors att Cadiz to be
converted there into sylver or other goods and to be returned
to England and fflanders for accompt of them the producents; the proemisses
he knoweth being servant and apprentice and Cashier to the
sayd James Stanier (who was and is the Correspondnet of the
producents) and there by well knowing of and being privy to
the buying providing and sending to Cadiz in Spayne many thousands of
pounds worth of English stuffes and other manufactures
within the sayd tyme. And otherwise he cannot depose, saving
that by like reasons he knoweth that there have bene severall
parcells of sylver within the tyme sent to the sayd James Stanier consigned
to the Port of London for the accompt of the producents.

To the [?4th] article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the thirteene bills
of lading to the sayd allegation annexed and now showne him were sent by the
said producent to the sayd James Stainer this deponents master in order
to Clayme the sylver and plate in the mentioned for accompt of
the said producents; which bills of lading the deponent saw a
long tyme agoe in the Counting house of the sayd James Stanier and
believeth they are true and reall. And otherwise he cannot depose

To the [?11th] article of the allegation This deponent saith that the arlate
Cornelius and [Hemry Hilleweven long before such tyme as
the shipp Sampson arlate was seized did send a letter of advise to
the foresayd James Stanier and therein did certify him that they
had receyved intelligence from their factor att Cadiz that
they had laden severall good quantities of sylver and plate
(meaning and intending the sylver and plate in the sayd 13 bills of
lading mentioned as this deponent conceyveth on board the shipp
Sampson Otto George Master for their use and accompt and desired
the sayd James Stanier that in case the sayd shipp should happen in her
passage for fflanders to be taken by the Parliament shipps he
would Clayme the said sylver and plate for their use and accompt
which letter of advice the said James Stanier did of this deponents
certaine knowledge and remembrance receyve and this
deponent read and peruse before the seizure of the said shipp the
Sampson happened. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the last he saith the foregoeing deposition is true.
upon the rest he is not examined by direction of the Proctor of the
party producent.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1. negatively