HCA 13/68 f.67Ar Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.67r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said shipp and her full Cargo of goods were undiminished at such time
as the rendition thereof was made unto Captaine Trenchfield and the rest
of the English Commanders before Saleybrine in Spaine, The premisses this
deponent knoweth being aboard the said shipp at her time of ladeing at Marseilles
and afterwards continually till her surrender at Saleybrine aforesaid. And further
saith that a Holland gilder is commonly accompted and esteemed at the valew of
two English shillings. And otherwise cannot depose:-/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Crosse Interrogatories:

To the first hee saith hee was in the said shipp the Beerenpoot when it was
surrendered to Captaine Trenchfield, And otherwise negatively, saveing hee expecteth
his Oranges due into him if the said shipp and freight bee restored according to agreement
made between the said English Commander and the producent upon the surrender:/

To the second hee saith hee was present at the ladeing of the said shipp at Marseilles
and constantly after the ladeing till the surrender of shipp and goods as aforesaid

To the third hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition, And otherwise negatively:-/

To the 4.th hee saith there were no goods or Merchandizes at all betweene the
decks of the said shipp, but all in the hold thereof.

To the 5:th hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition. And otherwise cannot depose:-

To the 6:th hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition. And otherwise cannot depose:-

Repeated before doctor Clarke
and the other Judges./



The 24th of October 1653.

Chilton and company against the greate}
Christofer and her lading.}

Examined upon the second allegation aforesaid
on the behalfe of Chilton and company


James Mowet of Shetland Iland gentleman aged
40 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent
about seaven weekes since finding the shipp the Prosperous arlate bound out hence
for the Northward went passenger in her for his owne countrey of Shetland, and
in her passage thitherward meeting with contrary winde was put upon the coast
of Norway, where shee met with the said shipp the greate Christofer, and
seized her, and her lading, and after the said seizure the master of the
greate Christofer was taken out of his shipp into the said man of warr the
Prosperous, where this deponent severall times heard the said master say and acknowledge
that the goods aboard the said shipp were good prize, and was a while before
hee could soe acknowledge telling this deponent apart that hee [?denied] thae
Captaine had two passes and therefore hee could not [?XXX] have to make a safe
dicoverie unto him, and that hee alsoe heard that if hee should confesse the truth
and thereby would make the Captaine a rich man ot to that effect, which being
made knowne to the Captaine hee the said Captaine Swaine told the said master
that if hee would speake the truth, shee should have his shipp and freight
and thereupon the said master said that the foods aboard were good
prize, but was very [?reserved] in saying [?XXXX], or which way, [?till] hee might
be afraid that Captaine Swaine [?had] [?some] [?XXXXX] or other passe {?XXXX] English Commission and that