HCA 13/68 f.66v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.66v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


their busines, and was and is a native of fflorence in Italy and a [subkect]
of the Great Duke of Tuscany and so accounted. And otherwise he cannot

To the last he saith his deposition is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1. he saith he knoweth that the Producents were and are Owners of the
monyes now Claymed for that they were and are the proceed of the producents
goods sent by them from Alexandria to Leghorne and otherwise referreth
himselfe to his foregoeing depositions he cannot depose saving that he
saw the bills of lading hereafter menconed firmed att Leghorne for the moneyes aforesaid.

To the .2. he saith he is by birth and nation of Leghorne in Tuscany, and by
Religion a Jew. and otherwise negatively.

To the third he saith he knoweth well the partyes interrate videlicet Missin [?GXXXXXX
Abraham Oregia Moses Laluck, Mainluffe Salach and Benedito [?ForesXXX] And
saith that the said Beneddito Teresi did by letter give order to this Rendent
to Clayme the sayd moneyes which letter is now in the hands of Mr George
Smith one of the Proctors of this Court, In which letter were likewise [?sent]
this Rendent four bills of ladeing for the respective parcells of moneyes
aforesayd which bills of ladeing this Rendent saw firmed att Leghorne
the first day of July 1651. new stile, by Andrea [?Hulibert] Servian the
Purser of the sayd shipp the Saint ffrancis which sayd Bills of ladeing being
part of his Instructions for makeing the sayd Clayme in this cause he now
leaves in the Registry of this Court for the further and better satisfaction
of the sayd Courte. And otherwise saving his foregoeing depositions he
cannot depose:

To the .4. Interrogatorie he saith that having receaved from the sayd Benedito
Terazi the aforesayd letter and bills of lading for the Clayming of the
moneyes now in question, he this Rendent did deliver the same to Mr Smith
aforesayd, to whom this Rendent by like order of Teresi is to pay such
ffees as shall be due for the carrying on of this cause according to law
and is to receyve the same agayne of and from the sayd Teresi. and otherwise

To the fifth he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

Alettaro: galica [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Clarke and Mr Cock.


The 18th day of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of John Hendrickson Beerenpoot for}
the shipp Beerenpoot and the freight, and for}
his goods in the said shipp Budd ffrancklyn.}

Examined upon an Allegation given on the
behalf of the said Claymers.


Hendrick Jansen Beerenpoot of
Hooghe Carspet in Holland Mariner aged 21
yeares or thereabouts a Witttnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth vdelicet.

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation and to the schedule thereto
annexed, and now reade unto seene and perused by this examinate at the
time of his examination, hee saith and deposeth That all and singular the